Tom, so sorry. It was like that with my mom, too. I wasn't there but one of my nephews was sitting with her while one of my sisters took a break. it;s never easy. glad you got to see her.
Shir, every time I hear anything in the news about Northern Israel, I think of you. I'm relieved to hear you are in a safe place
~ma for anyone I missed.
It's a Scrappy kind of day! Missing her wisdom and hope she is doing well and has a delightful day.
I'm sorry for the excessive ER time, but glad they improved the bandage. Hope you have water this morning.
I've lost maybe 6 toenails when I was doing marathons (big toes more than once). It would take months before they came off. After the new nails grew in under them they just fell off, usually with a bit of help. Amazingly they all look normal now despite the abuse. (My joints apparently will never forgive me)
OK, from the exactly one article I have read about him just now, I conclude that I like him and I like him for the ticket. So, that's a good start to the day!
Oh, and also, Happy Birthday, Scrappy!
Woo! The Democrats have again not fucked this up!
This is my first day back at work after vacation, and my brain is made entirely of oatmeal. *Cold* oatmeal.
Ugh, cold oatmeal.
I'm sitting outside with a giant fan blowing on me enjoying the air before it gets stupid hot later today. I'm very proud of myself — I worked my ass off in July and, last night, I finished the online async course I took on as summer work. That means I have the rest of this week and part of next week as vacation time! My first day back is the 16th.
That means I have the rest of this week and part of next week as vacation time!
Well-deserved vacation time!