Gunn: The final score can't be rigged. I don't care how many players you grease, that last shot always comes up a question mark. But here's the thing. You never know when you're taking it. It could be when you're duking it out with the Legion of Doom, or just crossing the street deciding where to have brunch. So you just treat it like it was up to you—the world in balance—'cause you never know when it is.


Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

dcp - Jul 29, 2024 1:07:13 pm PDT #1848 of 2646
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam," -- Popeye

Le earthquake.

This one? [link]

askye - Jul 29, 2024 1:11:57 pm PDT #1849 of 2646
Thrive to spite them

No fever. I don't feel cold now. I think it was just from being active and then sitting at lunch...because I'm making the frozen section look nice right now and it's not bothering me .

I'm just congested and I took another dose of Sudafed and it hit after lunch and I was acting a little spacey. Possibly a lot spacey.

Cass - Jul 29, 2024 1:28:20 pm PDT #1850 of 2646
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.


It was mild as heck but clearly a shakey shake.

-t - Jul 29, 2024 1:43:36 pm PDT #1851 of 2646
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

We had an earthquake yesterday that was notable for the epicenter being only 3 miles from me, but I didn't feel it. Weird the way shaking travels through the ground, or sometimes doesn't. Something about the way the fault lines run, I would guess. And this one was on the other side of a bunch of water, maybe that dampens it? No pun intended.

JenP - Jul 29, 2024 1:46:21 pm PDT #1852 of 2646

I joined a FB group, Florida Women for Harris, and they have gone nuts, over 30,000 members and growing at a mad rate. Lots of them are from deep red areas, like The Villages. Encouraging. There are bunches of pictures of plastic flamingoes painted blue wearing pearls and sneakers on people's lawns. So cute! Makes me wish I had a FL lawn.

That is great to hear!

askye - Jul 29, 2024 4:57:29 pm PDT #1853 of 2646
Thrive to spite them

Oh man I just learned Shirley Chung has Stage 4 tongue cancer. She was on Top Chef and has been on several Food Network competitions and she is always bubbly and funny. She said she is doing chemo and treatments to try and get rid of the cancer and not lose her tongue.

-t - Jul 29, 2024 5:02:52 pm PDT #1854 of 2646
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I'm not familiar with her at all, but that must be pretty rough for a chef!

erikaj - Jul 29, 2024 5:03:58 pm PDT #1855 of 2646
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

did not even know that could happen.

Theodosia - Jul 30, 2024 2:51:52 am PDT #1856 of 2646
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

My brother had tonsil cancer (and is more than 5 years past it, yay!) so I fully believe that tongue cancer is a thing.

Calli - Jul 30, 2024 4:29:01 am PDT #1857 of 2646
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I’ve heard of tongue cancer, but mostly in people who were life long smokers, which seems unlikely for a chef. Since they have to be able to taste things accurately and all.