Funny thing about black and white. You mix it together and you get gray. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but gray.

Lilah ,'Destiny'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Toddson - Jul 01, 2024 7:52:03 am PDT #1352 of 2675
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I'm not sure what was going on (besides exhaustion), but I came home Thursday evening and slept almost 12 hours. Missed the debate, but probably didn't miss much. An hour and a half of vehement lies from what I've heard.

I've been getting gel/shellac manicures for the past month or so. I love them - they consistently look good for three-four weeks and my nails aren't breaking. However, they involve sticking my hand into a UV thing to "cure" the shellac and every time I stick my hand in, I want to start, "Fear is the mind-killer, fear is the little death" (haven't memorized the whole thing). I think it would startle the manicure lady. She just got back from Bolivia and I was relieved to see she was all right (they're having a coup).

DC was unbearably hot. Didn't even go out for food and drink but, with more reasonable temperatures, I'll make a foray tonight.

-t - Jul 01, 2024 8:12:04 am PDT #1353 of 2675
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Gom jabbar manicures, I love it

JenP - Jul 01, 2024 8:15:26 am PDT #1354 of 2675

Sounds like a very pleasant weekend, David. Thumbs up.

Bev, naps are the best.

Debet - congrats to the tooth swallowing, growing boy. Aw, the Tooth Saga continues. That's sweet.

Matt -- boo! I hope it's fixed sooner than soon.

Toddson - it was so bad yesterday! I did venture out to meet some friends to send a friend off -- (he is retired State and has volunteered to go to Ukraine to, essentially, do his previous job there for the next 3-6 months. I mean, they're paying him, obvi, but he volunteered to go. Danger pay. Great.)

Anyway, the point is, it was so hot and miserable, I literally got queasy just walking back to my car from the restaurant. Like, it was a near thing.

And this morning it was chilly when I first took the dog out.

Gudanov - Jul 01, 2024 8:18:07 am PDT #1355 of 2675
Coding and Sleeping

I had a glorious nap this afternoon and I'm not afraid to admit it!

Nothing wrong with a good nap.

Jessica - Jul 01, 2024 8:32:54 am PDT #1356 of 2675
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

I love the longevity of gels, but my nails wind up absolutely destroyed when they come off.

It's a gorgeous day in NY but my plans to work from my backyard have been thwarted by what smells like a skunk on fire. (My best guess is someone ran one over nearby.)

The fender-bender from last week was declared to be just shy of a total loss (repairs are going to be 40% of the blue book value of the car) which means the dumbass who rear-ended me gets to buy me half a new car! Hooray! Basically the entire rear exterior needs to be replaced (bumper, trunk door, the back/side bits that connect to the bumper). Between this and the new hybrid converter/battery last year, I am rapidly approaching Prius of Thebes territory.

meara - Jul 01, 2024 8:53:36 am PDT #1357 of 2675

Wow that’s a lot of car fixing!

I am so glad to not live somewhere hot and queasy (at least, rarely) anymore. Pride this weekend was very pleasant (except late Saturday night when we were trying to be outdoors but it was raining).

Laura - Jul 01, 2024 9:20:56 am PDT #1358 of 2675
Our wings are not tired.

Yikes, the car fixing does not sound fun at all.

I love the longevity of gels, but my nails wind up absolutely destroyed when they come off.

My SIL started me last year on a product called Luminary [link] which is like a cross between gel and acrylic. Hard as concrete, but doesn't hurt the nails at all. She took it off before I went north since I didn't think I could find anyone here to maintain them, and my nails were perfect and healthy underneath. I lucked out and found one person who does them within an hour of me so I am getting them back tomorrow.

lisah - Jul 01, 2024 11:26:08 am PDT #1359 of 2675
Punishingly Intricate

The thing that hurts the nails is soaking in acetone to get the gels off. My friend just opened her own nail place and she uses a man efile and my nails have been fantastic!

dcp - Jul 01, 2024 2:57:41 pm PDT #1360 of 2675
I have grown older, but not up.

a $2 bill

Wow, I haven't seen one of those is several decades. I'm impressed. I hope it has been safely set aside and protected as a collectable, brought out to admire from time to time.

What was your source?

DebetEsse - Jul 01, 2024 3:19:19 pm PDT #1361 of 2675
Woe to the fucking wicked.

DH went to the bank for the 2s. I believe he got a stack of them