Oh dcp, surviving 2021 clearly was a major accomplishment. I'm sorry it has been so much and sincerely hope 2022 is much easier. I really understand how frustrated and upset you must be with the mood and mental changes. It is a much more common issue with many illnesses and treatments than is often discussed. I do enjoy seeing your photography and hope that you are feeling enough energy to do more of it next year.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2021: Let’s Hope Next Year’s Variant is Better
Take stock, reflect, butch, moan, vent. We are all here for it.
dcp, thank you for sharing so much of all you are going through with us. I wish you good health and every good thing.
Cancer is bad. Do not recommend.
Ain't that the truth. Thank you for your card! It was lovely grace note.
Oh DCP, that's four or five years crammed into one.
Here's to your 2022 being simple and kind.
dcp, that is so much to deal with. It is good to hear that keeping it beaten down is working.
In card news, thanks, Laura for the seeds of love, and sj... could your girl be more awesome? Evidence suggests not! Love having you all on my mantle!
We're glad you're here, dcp.
Ooof, dcp, that’s a lot!! Glad you’re still here and kicking.
My wish is that we all have a boring 2022.
Very boring, indeed. Snooze-worthy, in fact. We all need a breather.
That indeed was a hell of a lot to get through, dcp--so glad to have you here.
sj-the card is adorable, thank you.
Laura--hugs to you, just 'cause. You too, msbelle.
sj... could your girl be more awesome? Evidence suggests not! Love having you all on my mantle!
I cannot see how, but I am biased. Thank you!