Wonderful to see you, Nilly! Give yourself the latitude you give to everyone else in your life... it is not easy trying to cram 40 hours into a 24-hour day for your students, family, loved ones, and friends.
Love to see these words from you every year.
They switched up my Mom's meds, and she's MUCH more lucid now, and doing way better overall. She's supposed to be getting out of the hospital and going into rehab today.
I am prepared to fight anyone who declares there's a threshold level for Fandom. Yeah, there are some superfans out there and more power to them, especially when they write superb fic, make great art or put on conventions. But you don't have to do any of that, even actively, to classify yourself.
shakes little fist
Good to hear some good Mom news!
That is good to hear, Tom.
Tom, that's great news about your mom!
I am prepared to fight anyone who declares there's a threshold level for Fandom. Yeah, there are some superfans out there and more power to them, especially when they write superb fic, make great art or put on conventions. But you don't have to do any of that, even actively, to classify yourself.
This is what I was thinking. If someone asked me "what's your fandom?" I would interpret that as asking "What do you enjoy watching/reading/playing?"
My arm is showing some of the same colors as my peppers: [link]
It is so lovely to see you Nilly!!!
Y'all just need to sparkle more in your fandoms.
I actually really do miss lj for that kind of thing. It was well suited. I really fell out of reading fic after lj... did whatever it did.
Ooh, ooh! I just ran 18 minutes out of 30 on the treadmill! Ten, five, and three, with walking breaks between, but this huge in my little world. Especially when I compare it to where I was at my lowest mobility in the last couple of years. Am so grateful.
When someone says sparkle more and you say "challenge accepted."