Our children moved to Cincinnati too late to appreciate Skyline (8 and 5). Mr. Flea took them there once early on and they were appalled.
Mr. flea was good friends in college with the sculptor of the fountain across the street from the Clifton Gaslight Skyline (where Stephanie earlier got hurt and failed to get her second tetanus shot.)
I routinely see Jessica’s grandparents’ grave on walks around my neighborhood (it is visible from the sidewalk) and always think of them and her fondly.
This concludes today’s Cincinnati news.
The shingles discussion is so timely for me! I can't go ON my 50th birthday in (gulp) 3 1/2 weeks, because it's a holiday, but I mean to get one within days. I had a terrible case of chicken pox at age 18, and I'd rather not give that virus a second crack at making me miserable.
Susan W., check ahead of time to make sure local supply is available. It was a problem a year or so ago, and I haven't checked into it since.
Timelies all!
Today ended up being more interesting than expected. I got Mr. S dressed and ready to go in front of his Chromebook, but only got the "the host will let you in shortly" message for all of his first class, and into the second. Then I checked my e-mail to find out that the school's internet and phone lines were out because of a Comcast outage. Mr. S ended up watching random stuff on YouTube for a while. Eventually there was a second e-mail saying that they were sending the teachers home to use their internet there, and that classes would start at 11:25 am. So he got a few classes in, but ended up watching more YouTube than he really ought to.
I routinely see Jessica’s grandparents’ grave on walks around my neighborhood (it is visible from the sidewalk) and always think of them and her fondly.
Oh, my heart. I was just thinking of Granny earlier today.
Come to find out, my mayor has shingles right now! And it sounds terrible, in his eyes and ears both. He just had bad Lyme disease not that long ago, too. Yikes.
Yikes, def don't want shingles. Jealous of the people younger than me who never had chickenpox, won't get shingles, and had the HPV vaccine too!
I still have never finished my Hep B shots, or whichever hepatitis it is that was 3 shots. I think Hep C was the gamma globulin golfball in the buttcheek; that was fun. In short: single shot yes please.
I think yeah Hep B. Hep A is two shots, and I think mine were separated by about 8 years because oops. And my yellow fever has now expired. But I did manage to update my tetanus/pertussis/diphtheria one while getting my flu shot in October! Whew.
Damn it, we let one get away!
Mwah ha ha!
I got my 2nd Hep A shot about 6 months after the first. I should look into the shingles vax.
I can't remember *why* my doctor said getting the shingles vaccine wasn't a pressing concern, but I came away understanding it was something he thought I should do around 60 rather than 50.