Yeah, hearing that that was a common co-whatever with ADHD was a real AHA! moment for me, although I haven't done anything about it wrt treatment or management or what have you. But knowing it's a thing is helpful in and of itself. I should remind myself of that more often.
That is my favorite part of wearing a fitbit, Gud, just having HR documented during random experiences. So interesting. I think you can set them to remind you to do calming breathing exercises when your heart rate spikes, although I haven't really explored that. It's a nice idea.
And that's wild, Toddson.
Todd, that's hilarious.
Suela, really hoping for continued good news for your girl.
So for 34 minutes of 35 minutes in the grocery store yesterday, my heart-rate was high enough to be in the "fat-burning" zone. It's kind of interesting to see something empirical like that
Wow, interesting. I was just thinking about all the steps involved. I wonder if focusing on the biometrics of it all can help distract from the anxiety? It would be nice anyway.
PSA: Yesterday I overheard my dad having a serious conversation with his dog about what Hogwarts house she would be. ("...Put that little hat on you and put you right into Hufflepuff, wouldn't they.") I about died trying to stay silent and not interrupt the discussion.
Aww, so happy to have your dad’s dog with us in the house of the Nicests.
PSA: Yesterday I overheard my dad having a serious conversation with his dog about what Hogwarts house she would be. ("...Put that little hat on you and put you right into Hufflepuff, wouldn't they.") I about died trying to stay silent and not interrupt the discussion.
That is the cutest thing EVER!!!
Also, #TeamHufflepuff!
Oh, Connie, that's the worst. I'm so sorry about the cost and have so much empathy for that, but I'm so glad the surgery went well.
Brenda, I, also, about died of the cute from that description.
I would put Murderbiscuit in Slytherin, because, well, Murderbiscuit, but he honestly loves to fight so much that I think he actually belongs in Gryffindor.
Kaylee is Gryffindor. Seamus, Simon and Newton are Hufflepuff. Wilson is a cowardly Slytherin.
I came across this and it sums it up pretty well: "Dress sizes were designed by sixteen ferrets on crack"