What I really want is a massage. Is it ok to get a massage now? I don't want to put anyone at risk...
I hope so—I've been twice since my vaccinations . . . matured? finalized? Whatever word we're using to indicate we're past the two weeks point.
I still have to make an appointment for a dental checkup, but otherwise I'm caught up on medical stuff. I had my last blood draw and second shingles vaccine this morning.
I had the third - and, seemingly, final - book in K.J. Charles Will Darling series, so I stayed up finishing it. Then, OF COURSE, I had to go back and re-read the previous two, so ... there isn't enough coffee.
Yep. I'm partly into my reread of book 2 in that series. I have several new books that I could be reading. But, like mac and cheese two meals in a row, repetition does not dull my pleasure in these books.