Nice to see tommyrot (or Tommy rotate, as my phone keeps wanting me to say) and Gud!
Tommy Rotate sounds like a new wave band. Tommy Rotate and the Spinners! No, wait, Spinners is already taken.
Tommy Rotate and The Vortex!
It's very good to see Tom and Gud here. Glad to hear Gud's fam got all shottinated.
I get vaccine #1 in about an hour!
Yay! So far I'm having the same effect with Shot #2 as I did with #1. Which is to say very mild muscle soreness. No more really than I feel after doing my pushup sets.
I had a sandwich yesterday! Forbidden, delicious bread. Mmmmm.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Maybe I'll celebrate with tacos.
And now I'm picturing tommyrot and Vortex jamming out on stage, and I LOVE the visual.
Yay for vaccines and sandwiches!
I'm out of eggs. This cannot stand.
I'm out of eggs. This cannot stand.
They are SO necessary!
ION, I was watching a cooking video with Carla from BA and now I desperately want a Brocco Taco and you will too after you see this video (go to 14:52): [link]
So much melty cheeeeeese.
or Tommy rotate, as my phone keeps wanting me to say
Heh. Although only in moderation. Any more and I'd fall down. My sense of balance was never good, and it's worse now because of anti-anxiety meds.
And now I'm picturing tommyrot and Vortex jamming out on stage, and I LOVE the visual.
Last time I performed live on stage I was playing my electric violin. (I stopped playing it during the Great Bedbug Fiasco of Aught-Nine and never picked it up again.) I'm thinking I should start playing the violin, guitar, or bass guitar again. It's a good stress reducer and now I have the time.
Uuuugg. Some work stuff that is really not my usual bailiwick is falling apart right now and I don’t even know who to ask for help because our whole system is nuts and I hate this and it’s why I didn’t want this position. Grrrrrr.
Also I tried to use my new-ish ATM card and realized I have no idea what the PIN is. I tried like three or four different possibilities and none worked and now I need to handle that (and ended up using a different card and paying a $3 fee, hmph).
But I went to the dentist and I was fine and I have no cavities.
I am booking vacation leave!!!! Getting these days in EARLY so I get the days I want. YES!
I'm thinking I should start playing the violin, guitar, or bass guitar again. It's a good stress reducer and now I have the time.
Yes... and you'll need to start boning up for the band's premier.
My balance is just really sad these days. It hadn't occurred to me some of it could be meds, hmmm. I want to counter it by starting yoga or tai chi or both in earnest. And strength training. I have work to do in the "you're aging - fall prevention is a thing now" arena.
I have achieved eggs! Thank goodness.
And yay for no cavities and booking vacation days!
My condolences, tommyrot.
I just booked my first vacation out of town in over a year and a half. Here's hoping Mom feels well enough to go when the time rolls around.
Yay booking vacation! I need to do some of that.
More bad news: my garbage disposal is leaking from the bottom. Which YouTube tells me means a seal failed and water is flowing through the motor and it needs to be replaced. Boooooooo