What should I do, then? Send her a gift? Sacrifice? … Unholy fruit basket?

Angel ,'Just Rewards (2)'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

sj - Apr 19, 2021 9:33:13 am PDT #5697 of 30000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Dana, I have those all the time.

-t - Apr 19, 2021 9:43:34 am PDT #5698 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

We really must've burned those neural pathways pretty hard, huh? Or whatever it is brains do.

Jesse - Apr 19, 2021 9:59:07 am PDT #5699 of 30000
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

On the bright side, there was an article in the paper about a woman who had been married fairly recently. She and her husband to be had scheduled a wedding and then, in the pandemic, postponed it and ended up having a civil ceremony with few or no witnesses. She'd planned to have a big reception and bought a special dress ... but with no chance of having a reception any time soon, the dress remained unworn. Until she decided to wear it to her vaccination appointment - walked into the site wearing a fancy dress, did her hair and make-up, heels. The people administering the vaccine were amused and appreciative.

That's a friend of a friend! So fun.

Matt the Bruins fan - Apr 19, 2021 10:47:26 am PDT #5700 of 30000
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis

I dreamed last night about being involved in some weird mash-up of Murder on the Orient Express and behind-the-scenes drama on a telenovela. Henry Cavill was involved, but alas dreaming brain didn't arrange a make-out session with him.

-t - Apr 19, 2021 12:06:00 pm PDT #5701 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Jeez. I have had my phone in silent mode possibly since I got it, all the while wondering why I was missing calls. And now I have rolled my eyes right out of my head at myself, so that's not going to increase productivity

Sheryl - Apr 19, 2021 2:15:12 pm PDT #5702 of 30000
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

The downside to Mr. S going to sleep fairly quickly is that he's woken up early the last few days.(and then demands "Daddy open my door!" when there is nothing physically preventing him from doing it himself. sigh)

Beverly - Apr 19, 2021 3:10:46 pm PDT #5703 of 30000
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

She's 95 next week, and Prince Charles does not inspire affection.

Never mind him, the one that gives me the wig is Camilla peering gimlet-eyed like a Dark Crystal muppet beneath her haystack of raw flax and her tiara the size of a garden fence--or hat the size of a small ketch in full sail. I'm surprised Wills' tots call her granny instead of "Mrs. Grandpa."

JenP - Apr 19, 2021 4:36:28 pm PDT #5704 of 30000

The dress up vaccine friend of a friend of Jesse's is awesome! (Though obviouy not the fact that she had to postpone everything.)

I was in the first of five (9a-4p!) Zoom sessions for a workshop given by the JCA in our area for job seekers 50+. It was pretty good! Then the facilitator called after it was over today to ask whether I would be the mock interviewee for the group (that happens Monday). I cheerfully agreed. I think there was a time in my life that that would have made me so self-conscious! That time, apparently, has passed. Getting older def has its benefits. Anyway, I was so tickled. "They like me! They really like me!" Total goofball, I am.

-t - Apr 19, 2021 5:18:47 pm PDT #5705 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Good for you, JenP!

Jessica - Apr 19, 2021 5:22:58 pm PDT #5706 of 30000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Dylan went back to in-person school today for the first time since last March, and I thought I'd prepared myself for all possible reactions, but the first thing he said when I asked how it went was "I'm taller than all the teachers now."