Right now I don't make it because the aroma convinces me that a loaf is clearly a single serving.
Ha! Yeah.
billytea, I'm glad it was no worse, but that's understandably upsetting.
It's going to 50 whole Fahrenheit degrees here today. Practically spring!
Unrelated to the ongoing conversation: I went to bed last night thinking someone should do a version of that "Friday" song from whatsername, Rebecca Black?, but make it "Tuesday" and I still think it's a good idea.
My cat just bit the charging cable and pulled it out of my laptop. I knew she didn't like me working but that is distressingly to the point.
Oh, billytea, how scary! I'm so glad it wasn't worse.
If I make bread again I'll likely use the bread maker for the kneading and hold times, then bake it in the oven. I don't like the size and shape of the bread maker results. I want it in a normal loaf pan, or laid out on a stone.
That's what I do. I'll damage my wrists if I knead bread, so I use the bread machine for the kneading and first rise, and then turn it out into the pan for the second rise and baking.
EpicTangent, thanks for reminding me about Atropa's excellent review rewordings! Sweet sweet "search" function led me right to them and one in particular will be helpful I'm sure. Now I just need to figure out how to say "my job seems to keep changing and I'm not sure exactly what it is at this point much less what it will be for the balance of the year so I have no idea what my Objectives might be"...well, that and actually write the thing but I am almost done with the psyching myself up to do it. Almost.
Yow, billytea, thank goodness that accident didn't turn out any worse!
My cat just bit the charging cable and pulled it out of my laptop. I knew she didn't like me working but that is distressingly to the point.
Jackson bit through my laptop's original power cable to the point that it was no longer charging. I had to buy a length of flexible plastic tubing from a hardware store to protect the replacement cable from him.
I was fine at the scene, but once I'd got home and was telling Biyi what happened, I was a bit of a mess about it. (It was just that, thinking about how much worse it could've been.)
Captain Adrenaline saves the day once again!
I'm so glad to year that you, Ryan, and everyone else are going to be ok. What an horrible fright!
My dog chewed through my work laptop power cord and I only noticed when he started barking at it after it shocked him! I had to ask work for a new one.
Today, I discovered he’d managed to get his harness loose enough to chew on it, and chewed through it in two spots! Bad dog! You think I wasn’t keeping him in yak chews and bully sticks!
Yikes is right, msbelle!
I am a person who doesn’t have documentation and it is terrible and why I can’t train anyone to take over my functions. I keep trying to train people and get the trainees to complete the documentation so it is just there for the future and they just don’t do it. My issue was that until my job exploded/I was promoted, I did have good documentation, but the turnover rate in my old job was so high and they didn’t keep it up. So now there were three years of no documentation, and mine was in a wiki, which literally no one who has taken my job understands how to deal with and doesn’t like.
-t, I haven’t had a review since my new job. In the system, it still has my old job description and metrics. I have to redata enter them, which is so annoying to me, I don’t even care if I have a review. I didn’t even do my mandatory hospital training this year, because we aren’t getting raises. I am sure I have things to work on, but I am just trying to keep my head above water.
I liked ironing costumes, but my students hated it. They want to steam everything, but that doesn’t get you a crisp starched dress shirt. Although, they also iron more wrinkles in sometimes and it takes them forever. I was super fast, and could do a dress shirt in 2 minutes, I like steaming big period dresses, though, because it is just so satisfying to plump up the ruffles and watch the wrinkles melt. And you can’t really iron things like suits. I have also ironed the behinds of big period dresses during intermission while the person stands at the ironing board, because sitting and big period dresses made of the cheapest, yet wrinklest good fabric (silk shantaung, oh how I hate you for period costumes. See also linen????). Don’t mix.
Oh, and also Yikes Billytea! How scary!
Yeah, Sophia, part of my problem is my job description has officially changed, but what I actually do does not, at this point, match either my old job description or the new one and I don't know what to do with that. My current plan is to copy from last year's review and delete what no longer applies and try to add what I think does and hope for the best. One benefit of this approach is that my actual review from last year was really quite good although the process felt terrible and there were no raises so the whole thing still seems bitter, but at least I have nice things to copy into this year's review (also, last year's review covered through June and now this review is supposed to be for all of 2020 so I think using some of last year's is perfectly cromulent).