When I was in 2nd grade my family spent the year in Orange County (my dad was transferred temporarily), and I learned to sing the 50-state song because we had to sing it every week at assembly. 45 years later, I still remember it and use.
My employer, who fishes people out of the water and so forth, has decided that my office-mates and I are essential workers, and is making vaccines available to us. So I have an appointment on Thursday for the first shot. Sadly I have multiple meetings the rest of the day, so I hope it doesn't knock me out (as I hear it does for some people).
I'm pretty excited about being able to go back to dog class and maybe get my hair cut...
See, I didn’t learn those songs so I don’t have that knowledge. There are a bunch of states that it is very easy for me to forget about.
I live such a sheltered life that I had no idea that there was such a thing as DIY vaccines. Yikes!
Steph, how are you and Tim doing today?
People watching the Super Bowl and/or commercials and half time entertainment? I haven't even checked to see what the entertainment is! But I will be watching.
See, I didn’t learn those songs so I don’t have that knowledge.
I didn't either so those are often a challenge for me.
Sadly I have multiple meetings the rest of the day, so I hope it doesn't knock me out (as I hear it does for some people).
Happy to report that a sore arm, the next day, was really my only complaint.
Steph, how are you and Tim doing today?
Less fatigue. This cough is really freaking annoying, although Tim's cough seems MUCH better than yesterday.
Timelines all!
Is it wrong that when I read this:
Mom sent us an Edible Arrangement today, so we have a lot of fruit cut up in cute shapes, and the kitty has a helium balloon.
I read it as an edibles arrangement?
Thank you for the 33 year old bat video. So cute!
Also- I want to watch Amanda Gorman without watching the game. . . do I try about an hour in to the scheduled time?
I read it as an edibles arrangement?
That would have been even better!
I’m sure there is someone who delivers edibles arrangements
Glad there is improvement, Tep. Hope the cough eases up for you as well.
Glad there is improvement, Tep. Hope the cough eases up for you as well.
Since Tim is a few days ahead of me, symptom-wise, I imagine my lungs will give me a break soon.
Consuela- the bulk of symptoms tend to be 12-24 hours post-vaccine, so you should be fine for the rest of the day....but then have soup and cold meds ready for the day after ;P
Steph - so glad that you have decent meds to get you through this! And yes, edibles delivered really should be a more available option. Pretty sure I could have something delivered here...but...Oregon. So Probably NSM in other places.
I will admit that I totally dosed myself with RSO for the two days after my first vaccine dose. It was very helpful, I was able to sleep in spite of the blinding pain my right arm any time I happened to roll onto it, and way back when there were some articles about THC and/or CBD maybe helping with Covid symptoms/severity/duration... probably not totally backed by medical science but I was will to try. For science, dontcha know. My survey sampling of 1 found a broad-spectrum extract to be disgusting tasting but very effective.