Did I miss my daily superpowers check-in?
No superpowers yet. I might have to go find a radioactive spider.
Less fatigue overall, cough is still trying to break through but it's mostly manged with prescription cough meds and an albuterol inhaler. Today is day 10 since my symptoms started, and day 14 for Tim (who also has less fatigue but still has this nagging cough; we have virtually identical symptoms, which seems statistically improbable).
Mom sent us an Edible Arrangement today, so we have a lot of fruit cut up in cute shapes, and the kitty has a helium balloon.
Hopefully you’ll both be in the clear soon Tep!
We sent one of those to my brother for his birthday. Its always sounded kind of silly but it was a big hit. And why not? It’s fruit! On sticks!
Glad you're feeling better, Steph.
Ugh. I really do know better than to click on a link that someone posts with, "Look at all the horrible takes on Jewish history and the Nazis in these comments." And I'd just finished a phone call with one of my cousins, who'd called me to ask for information about how our grandparents and great-grandparents were able to come to the US from Germany in 1938, and how lucky they were to have been able to get out. And then I read the comments on that post, and now I feel sick.
Glad you’re not feeling worse at least, Teppy!!
Dog almost gave me a heart attack tonight—he wanted out, so I let him, but didn’t realize I hadn’t closed the gate when we got home. And he ran away and I had to stop and put on shoes (and grab treats) and when I got out there I didn’t know where he went. And then I found him in the alley but he ran away back towards the house....and then ran towards the street!!! Luckily there was a couple walking by and he ran over to say hi to them and they grabbed him for me. Whew!!! I do not want baby dog to be mowed down in the street by someone who can’t see him in the dark!! Tomorrow is almost two weeks since his surgery and I guess I better take him to the park and let him run some energy off. Yikes.
And then I read the comments on that post, and now I feel sick.
Don't read the comments! Also, I'm sorry people are so awful.
I hope today is a better day for you and Tim, Teppy!
Bad puppy indeed! Yes, my vet always says a tired dog is a good dog. Dog park is a good plan.
I'm looking into a DIY-at-home covid vaccine that's making the rounds of biohacker internet, so I asked a bio lab vaccine modeler about it, and I thought you guys might enjoy his mixed metaphor of a response. It's not a catchy song, but if facts were taught like this I could probably remember them:
I expect this is nothing more than snarfing a very expensive protein shake. Remember, a vaccine is supposed to be a battle simulation. It has to be realistic enough to fool your immune system into taking it seriously. What "radvac" seems to simulate is the aftermath of an infection. Lots of broken bits of dead orcs and goblins on the battlefield, while alarming, is not a reason to light the Bat Signal.
That is a delightful response. So, did he talk you into taking the DIY vaccine, or out of it, that is the question.
I have absolutely no intention of making and taking the DIY vaccine! I'm supposed to be reporting on biotech and synthetic biology trends for work, and this is a big one. Fun fact - you can order all the stuff you need to make it online, including the covid proteins (although there are some shipping restrictions).