He is the night! (OK, he's a 33-year-old fruit bat)
Geribatric ward!!!!!! D'awwwww!!!!!!
And in a coming-together of discussions: I got my first bifocals and have stopped tromboneing everything I read! I just look down and the words are right there, no calisthenics.
Do we know if Amyth can eat food?
I'd like to send a proper heart-shaped box of valentines candy, but if that would just be a bummer I'll stick with a card.
I loved them flying him through the facility.
he blamed my wearing the glasses all the time and reading under the covers with a flashlight for my having eyes so bad that I was legally blind without them
Hah, my parents blamed reading under the covers/by the nightlight as well, despite all genetic evidence pointing to both parents having bad vision not helping. I still think the money I spent on surgery was the best money ever, even if these days I do feel like I should probably be wearing glasses all the time? I only wear them when driving at night, really, I know my night vision is worse. But wearing them the other day I was startled how things across the room were actually clearer. It’s mostly the one eye though, and I’m tempted to get lasik on it, but too lazy to arrange that.
Timelies all!
Despite reading by lamp light for many years, I didn't need glasses until my late 40s. Only for driving/distance, though I wear them at work. I guess there's one good physical trait I got from my mom.
Post travel 14 day quarantine ends tomorrow! I am actually getting take out tonight from a place up the street that does window service, but tomorrow FARMERS MARKET!!!
I didn't get glasses until my thirties, but they were for distance and a slight astigmatism, and my eyesight wasn't that bad really. I do remember feeling shorter when I had them on. The ground seemed closer!
Now I really just use reading glasses, but I need progressives. I have perfected the over the glasses stare, but...
We ordered takeout from Grill Kebab tonight. So good.
You guys are seriously inspiring me to not eat the leftovers in the fridge for dinner tonight...
So I did order lunch, and I didn't use Doordash because I remembered javachik had recommended Slice as being better for the restaurant and I wanted pizza anyway. Got a sort of sampler - a pizza, some pasta and garlic bread, and a salad, as this is a new-to-me restaurant and I want to establish a baseline for future orders and also plan to eat off this delivery for at least a couple of days. Also, this was around 2 and I was starving. Had my one slice of pizza to determine that, yes, tasty when hot and fresh; had a third of the pasta and about a third of the garlic bread and then I was stuffed and probably will not need dinner. Which is a problem in the very stupid sense that what I want to do now is watch WandaVision and eat pizza and I am too full for that second part! But I can still watch WandaVision and remind myself that there is pizza for tomorrow.