Steph if you need anything dropped off, etc., just let us know.
My 87 year old stepfather has a vaccination appointment on Wednesday and my 74 year old father on Saturday. I need to see if my in-laws have been able to get appointments yet. I am encouraged!
All of the smooth and complete recovery to you and Tim, Tep.
Fuck Tim's co-workers so hard.
Yep. If Tim wants to trade alibis...
Oh, amy, so hard. It's bad enough that other things haven't stopped causing families to lose loved ones, now we can't do any of the things we do to comfort our friends.
My parents (80 and 74) got their first doses the other weekend, which is good.
Steph I hope you and Tim have a swift and uneventful recovery.
What I think is funny about work because everyone says the store manager is the best manager they've had and he really cares about everyone and treats us well but somehow is also recommending a person we will all hate and who will be terrible to us and it will mean people will quit it will be so bad. Because that sounds like what a terrible manager would do.
Thank you, cass. Lynn managed three years after her diagnosis, so we're hoping that our communal granddaughter will hang on to a few memories of her; Hazel's 5 this month.
That is so hard, amyparker. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, amyparker. I hope Hazel does remember her.
My parents successfully got their first shots and have appointments for their second, no side effects so far. So that's good.
I'm sorry, amyparker. The Covid restrictions make loss just another whole level of complication on top of grief.
My step-dad is having aortic valve replacement surgery this morning. I am the only one in my family who has contact with him. He texted me yesterday to tell me about the surgery, so I distracted him with great-grandbaby pictures. Some good outcome and recovery ~ma would be appreciated. He lives in Minnesota now so I don't know if I will ever see him again, but I try and send him newsy texts regularly.
As always my doctor (known as Awesome Doctor) is awesome. I messaged him yesterday around 6 p.m. to tell him my Covid test was positive and ask if I was a candidate for the monoclonal antibodies. He messaged back around 8 p.m. and said that he thought the age limitation was 65, but he'd check that out. I just got a call from the hospital, wanting to schedule my infusion, which is at 12:30 today, so YAY.
I look forward to my superpowers.
Yay awesome doctor! I look forward to you and Tim fighting crime with your inevitable superpowers