A weighted blanket!
I need to see how much FSA I have tomorrow. And then go virtually shopping.
I wish I could do massages but there's only one person I trust because she did rehab for my spinal surgeon's patients for many years and is licensed for massage and physical therapy still. Plus she's really lovely. We're closed down for a very good reason in this county. But I do wish I could half pay her in advance though. Like a gift card but for moving correctly.
Ooh! Have you considered the Fisher Wallace Stimulator? Doc says it’s legit and that’ll cost you a chunk [link]
A WHAT?!?!?! I am reading up on this right now.
Ooh! Have you considered the Fisher Wallace Stimulator?
That's FASCINATING. Although I'm not sure I should be allowed to zap my brain.
If you’re looking to zap your brain, I recommend the Cefaly for migraines! And it doesn’t require a prescription any more.
Don't be afraid to put a little brandy or bourbon in there. The alcohol will cook out and it will add depth of flavor.
Dry vermouth! I deglaze just about everything with it.
Although I'm not sure I should be allowed to zap my brain.
Sure we should. What could possibly zzzzzzzzzt go wrong?
That might be the Xmas list right there.
Thanks tor the tlc, Cindy (and several others!).
I am following Katie B’s wise counsel and not approaching the babies. They’ll come to me in their own time.
And I am pleased to announce that the house is once more well protected from red dots. Rey took a flying leap from the dresser to the bed in a valiant effort to save us all.
(Skimmed and skipped)
I'm happy to hear on good test results. Also happy to hear good pet news.
Myths! They don't need to be real to be true.
Wow. Never heard of it.
I also got several humidifiers (penguins!) which proved useful over the years.
I have a penguin humidifier sitting next to me right now. (AIFG)
JZ, that was beautiful.
Ondine’s curse: very cool.
Vermouth is an under-utilized cooking ingredient, I think. My upstairs neighbor made a grapefruit and red vermouth marmalade that was phenomenal. I was sad when I finished the jar.