I am posting house porn (and a few cautionary tales) over on FB if anyone has any requests. Also most posts are homes not currently in contract, so people can snatch them up (you're welcome).
Toddson, be careful.
Let us know when Tim gets super powers.
everyone else stay inside (except for doggo walks and snow angels) and BE SAFE.
Sorry about the excessive snow. I would issue my usual invite to sunshine land, but I understand you are not stark raving mad and won't be visiting this season.
Makeup is fun for me.
I find makeup incredibly fun on other people. Love it. Myself, I don't even own any. Chapstick is as far as I go.
Careful, Todd, and anyone else walking out there in bad conditions. I did see some video of baby pandas playing and rolling around in it. Now that was cute.
Work is full of rumors about who the new manager will be. According to the dept managers no final decision has been made, no one knows anything. All the other info I've gotten is --there is a new manager who will start Thursday (or next week). And we will all hate him because he is the opposite of our current manager (who knows this guy and recommended him for the job). He is a stickler for all the rules and stays mainly in his office and does paper work and no one ever sees him on the sales floor. And we are going to lose employees because they will quit over how awful the new manager, who is friends with our current manager and essentially hand picked by him.
I am not spreading any of these rumors and have no idea where this very specific info is supposed to be coming from.
I'm currently trying very hard not to spend, mostly because of the truly ridiculous sums I spent at Disney. And I barely touch makeup anymore, except for that recent week at Disney where I was seeing at least one person I know every day. And yet, I am currently shopping makeup sites for the fabulous lipstick that SA posted on FB this morning. Embrace the contradictions!
I am sorry about your fall Toddson.
Askye, that same rumor has happened to me 4 times. Two times I ended up loving the manager and two times I ended up leaving!
Rochester had another terrible police incident where they pepper sprayed a 9 year old who was screaming for her dad. Apparently they were called for "unrelated" incidents and she was handcuffed with the permission of her dad, but still it is terrible. It was in probably one of the poorest neighborrhoods in the city, of course. And I shouldn't be surprised, but I was shocked that it appeared the female officer was the one who was threatening her with pepper spray. I couldn't wuite tell if she is the one who sprayed or not.
And yet, I am currently shopping makeup sites for the fabulous lipstick that SA posted on FB this morning.
I pretty much only wear lipstick on Zoom calls, and yet I keep buying it.
Oh, Sophia, that sounds awful! That poor kid.
JZ has the link on Facebook. I just sickened. Sickened.
Oh god, that is terrible.