Hive mind! need some info.
I've started having nosebleeds. Haven't had them before, but starting Monday I was having them. From one nostril. They do, eventually, stop. I did a search and, well, I was doing a lot wrong. But going through half a box of tissues to mop up the blood.
Any advice?
Could they be caused by allergies? Maybe take some antihistamines?
I'll give it a try. Thanks.
Two other possible culprits to consider: high blood pressure, and dehydration.
HBP is possible - it's been with me for YEARS. I've been drinking non-caffeinated drinks most of the day. sigh ....
On the flip side, I used to have problems using a nasal allergy spray that was alcohol-based, like Flonase.
I wondered if using Flonase made me develop cataracts earlier than I would have otherwise.
Jon B. is in town, and I'm going to meet him and the AWB in about 15 minutes to give them the house tour then a ramble down Haight Street.
Fingers crossed, Shir.
Question! I do most of the things in this post: [link] I don't have ADHD. Is that why I just did those things on my own? Like, of course you have to write down all your to-dos and set reminders? Of course you should have what you need wherever you need it (chapstick, trash cans). Etc.
Like, of course you have to write down all your to-dos and set reminders? Of course you should have what you need wherever you need it (chapstick, trash cans). Etc.
I think that's all normal behavior. What's abnormal is the expectation that people can stay focused on their job task for 8 hours a day without wavering.
So people adapt by learning how to multitask by whatever means they have. To-Do lists are not symptomatic of anything except trying to get a handle on a poorly designed culture.