Ugh, Tim tested positive for Covid.
Oh, no! I am so sorry. Sending you both all the health vibes. Stay mild, Tim's Covid, stay mild. And that you don't have it.
They have shakers of brewers' yeast (same thing, basically) at movie theatres in Milwaukee and it drives me nuts you can't find it anywhere else. Back when movie theatres were a thing, you know.
Cool. I have never seen that!
Longtime dream of mine is to buy an old theater and convert it into a home and small theater for old movies.
Which is to say, I’ll have it there should it ever happen.
That is an awesome dream. I would like to go to there.
Dana, it kind of tastes like Parmesan cheese? Or that's how I think of it.
Yes, to me, it tastes cheesy. Yum.
So I guess I'm asking, Does everybody have a "if I died tomorrow my estate (such as it is) would not be a horror show for my surviving family members (including passwords)" file or folder designated as such?
No, but now I have a new project! Matt can get into my phone, so contacting people, getting into FB and e-mail are within reach. Still, who knows -- my phone might go with me (you know, in the crypt, with my terra cotta army) so would be of no use to him. Yeah. I need to make a document and share it on Drive.
I hope your aunt and uncle are doing well, Hil.
Enjoying watching the snow fall. Well, technically, not snowing right now, but still.
share it on Drive
I am not that trusting of online infrastructure or security.
Have an offline physical backup of some sort.
Steph, how is Tim feeling? How are you?
Timelies all!
Snowing here. Mr. S is continuing to be very annoying. sigh...
I am not that trusting of online infrastructure or security.
Have an offline physical backup of some sort.
I just read The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, and there's a great sly reference to how historians (of 21whatever) have had a hard time reconstructing this whole era because of digital degradation and lack of ability to access stuff.
Y'all I swear all COVID has me wanting to do is spend money. Because my other options like hanging out with people or traveling are not available, I'm deep diving into expensive refrigerators (because the fridge I have is old, and the space I have is skinny, and it's either "apartment size fridge" or "expensive super tall skinny euro fridge" apparently), cabinet resurfacing (because I dislike mine), new countertops (hate mine even more than the cabinets), new mattress (but how do you choose online?), new bed frame (while I'm at it), anything and everything....I haven't purchased anything, but I've just spent a few hours online looking at all of it...
Steph, how is Tim feeling? How are you
Tim’s symptoms today are still just like a moderately bad cold. No fever, O2 level is normal. Hopefully his symptoms will stay at Ugh-This-Damn-Cold level.
I have pretty much the same symptoms (I am in fact posting from bed), so I won’t be surprised if my Covid test result is positive, too (I got tested at noon today).
So, mild symptoms all around, and hopefully they’ll stay that way. Oh, plus Tim gets the monoclonal antibody treatment this week, which is just cool from a medical nerd perspective.
Steph I hope you and Tim continue to have mild symptoms and get over this quickly.
I need to have my passcode for the computer somewhere. I have most of my passwords set up for auto fill because I can't remember what they are most of the time. I try to be good and not re use pass words but this then means I make something and then promptly forget what it was.
Apparently my medicine has gone up for the year or the coupon I've been using doesn't do as much because it was$30 more than I was expecting. I also discovered I've misplaced my HSA card and so I guess I need to get a replacement for that for next month.
Y'all I swear all COVID has me wanting to do is spend money.
I have no idea what you're talking about!
[hides email confirming random eBay purchase of music magazine from 1981]