We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.

Mal ,'Serenity'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

DavidS - Mar 26, 2024 8:27:53 pm PDT #29403 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

My only thought on your hair choice, Susan, is that if the roots look more pepper than salt it's probably too early to make that transition. But see what your stylist says.

P.M. Marc - Mar 26, 2024 11:42:18 pm PDT #29404 of 30000
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

So much ~ma, Epic. So very much.

Beverly - Mar 27, 2024 1:36:18 am PDT #29405 of 30000
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Oh, Epic. I wish I could hug you for real. I'm sending all the good wishes for everything your way.

Matt the Bruins fan - Mar 27, 2024 6:46:56 am PDT #29406 of 30000
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis


msbelle - Mar 27, 2024 6:51:29 am PDT #29407 of 30000
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Oh no epic. Good thoughts for it being nothing.

-t - Mar 27, 2024 7:01:14 am PDT #29408 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

All the ~ma and comforting hairpats, Epic

Laura - Mar 27, 2024 7:12:01 am PDT #29409 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

{{{Epic}}} Yes, the waiting is so hard. Sending ~ma for everything from quick scheduling to better than anticipated results. Also, sending love.

dcp - Mar 27, 2024 7:17:44 am PDT #29410 of 30000
I have grown older, but not up.

EpicTangent, that's a lot to have to deal with. Take it one bite at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time.

I try not to think of it as the needle being re-set, but rather as the path ahead branching and shifting. That doesn't make it less unsettling, but it does help me think about how to keep moving forwards.

Dandelion breaks (figurative and literal) help, too.

lisah - Mar 27, 2024 7:48:12 am PDT #29411 of 30000
Punishingly Intricate

Sending love, epic. And a care team that works together to quickly determine what’s going on and the best way to help.

juliana - Mar 27, 2024 7:53:39 am PDT #29412 of 30000
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…

Oh, Epic. So much ~ma your way.

I did not kidnap jovial cattlemen to feed to my recovering husband.

I find this somewhat disappointing.

Me, three