There's something about a food that moves all by itself that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Joyce ,'Never Leave Me'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

erikaj - Mar 03, 2024 12:45:53 pm PST #28983 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Shir, I think about you a lot and wonder what you're doing. Hec, so wish going in with my (imaginary) hammers labeled Freedom and Responsibility could get some kind of justice for all those things. (I made a joke about architectural barriers themed like that and some people got very judgy about it.) But, you know, being earnest isn't helping either! Maybe I would send Hec Paulie Walnuts...Paulie is very persuasive AND knows where the funders' dog park is(Not that he would do anything...Paulie just tends to avoid misunderstandings, generally.) He could get you an apology, too, I bet. Just don't ask a lot of questions. And I could cash in my Magic Cripple points...maybe they're not valid in Arizona anyway...based on the literally excremental day and a half I've had, it would seem they are not--to do what I could about the diagnosis.

Sheryl - Mar 03, 2024 4:43:56 pm PST #28984 of 30000
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

Been sleepy all day, thanks to Mr. S waking up at 6:30 and immediately being loud and annoying. (He does this all the time on the weekend)

Steph L. - Mar 04, 2024 8:03:49 am PST #28985 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Man, I guessed wrong and suffered the consequences: I woke up at 3 a.m. with a pounding headache, but it felt very distinctly UN-migrainey, so I took ibuprofen and went back to bed. [Narrator: it was, in fact, a migraine.] If I had just taken Ubrelvy at 3 a.m., the migraine would have been gone by the time I woke up again. Instead I took Ubrelvy at 7 a.m. and huddled in bed with a hot microwave beanbag on my head for a while. But true to form, Ubrelvy worked because it is spooky magic, and I'm functional now. Or functional enough for a Monday.

msbelle - Mar 04, 2024 8:11:16 am PST #28986 of 30000
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Why are people at work getting on my last nerve on a Monday.

There a few people that seem to love discussing and debating the virtues, or lack there of, of policies/rules WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. Listen Linda, it doesn’t matter if you think the County should charge employees for xyz on County cell phone plans or offer reimbursement on personal cell usage. It’s not the policy and we aren’t the department that makes that policy. They discussed various aspects for 25 minutes. FFS

JenP - Mar 04, 2024 8:36:39 am PST #28987 of 30000

That would drive me nuts, msbelle.

Glad the magic drug worked - if at a later time than ideal.

Was away from Wed-Sun in Asheville for my cousin's wedding (well, first cousin, once removed). We got there a couple days early for a mini-vacay. Was nice to get away. Did do a Biltmore tour, which was very cool. I was expecting to be, "Eh, whatever, going.for the company,"... but I was instead, "Wow, pretty cool. I would recommend."

I took an extra PTO day to catch up with life, so that's what I'm and I have a full body skin check at 3p, which is very overdue... like, by decades, so I'm feeling adult... Like a lax adult. I'll take the W.

Nice to be back home and here.

dcp - Mar 04, 2024 8:39:21 am PST #28988 of 30000
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam," -- Popeye

...due to some technical legalistic detail they've decided not to pay me and if I had an issue I should get a lawyer.

I am dismayed that this is happening, yet very curious to see how the story unfolds. If I were in your position, I have no idea how I might go about finding (and selecting) a lawyer adequate to the task.

-t - Mar 04, 2024 8:47:44 am PST #28989 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Hec, I am stupendously angry about the pension bs and so very sorry about Lola

meara - Mar 04, 2024 9:58:13 am PST #28990 of 30000

Would anyone be interested in a zoom/facetime “chat while we do some kind of boring tasks” thing this week? I have various cabinets and drawers that really need to be emptied/cleaned out but it’s such a boring thing to do alone. I really want someone to just sit nearby and chat while I do it!

JenP - Mar 04, 2024 12:07:28 pm PST #28991 of 30000

At the dermatologist. A lot to catch up on, but most recently, David, what the hell with the pension? I wish you a fierce and tenacious lawyer. And what awful news about Matilda's friend's mom's stomach cancer.

Pix I hope J did, indeed, get out as promised.

Pix - Mar 04, 2024 2:02:27 pm PST #28992 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

He's mostly out. Apparently he bought a van to live in with the money I gave him. I had a very tense and upsetting text chain with him this morning when he asked for "a few more days" to finish renovating it. I suggested a motel to finish up. He said okay. Then he tried to guilt me into still needing to call for emotional support because he doesn't have a family. For the record, he has a sister. I drew a hard line on that and said no, I don't have the emotional room to support someone else. I also told him he needed to talk to a grief counselor.

Guys, I'm exhausted. But I think he will be out by the morning. Our own Laura is meeting the estate cleanout guy at the condo tomorrow so he can do a walkthrough and give me an estimate.