Today's my day off but I just had 3 separate work calls, including a meeting with my boss and 10 other people. Joy. At least I got to the gym earlier?
There's a thing that I know about that is going to make local news and people are going to be very worked up, possibly including congressional pressure, and I'm so glad that I have only a tangential involvement with it. What I do have is the institutional memory, oy. SF-istas, you will probably know it when it hits. You'll be like, "Oh that is what Consuela was talking about!" It'll be a few weeks, I think...
I seem to be fully recovered from covid, except I really didn't exercise for the last 3 weeks. And the weather is not conducive to a nice stressful hike in the woods today. So instead I had a fried egg on avocado toast and piece of leftover cake for lunch. And I think I will sit on the couch and watch some mountain films.
'Suela, as one of the supports for a mutual friend who dealt with what may be a similar situation, I am sorry and I hope you have some good pillows to scream into.
We just had hundreds of cars driving up A1A beeping horns, flying flags, yelling through bullhorns, playing music, and so forth protesting the mess in Gaza.
Thanks Beverly, I used to have the energy and balance to go after the rude peoples ankles but these days I’m mostly just trying to avoid having my crutches taken out from under me and falling hard. Between people, wet floors, and icy sidewalks I feel like I always have to be at code red and it is exhausting.
SF-istas, you will probably know it when it hits.
I'm intrigued, but my work org has been making more than just the local news and I'm feeling some kind of way about it, so you have my sympathies.
Ughhh. Was supposed to be on a flight at 215pm. It’s now 541pm and they’re saying maybe it’ll be leaving after 7pm. The plane we are supposed to be on is in LA and hasn’t even taken off yet. This is NOT the best terminal to spend 8 or so hours in. Some airports I’d rock up to a nice restaurant or pay for a massage…not really options here.
Whew. Finally landed, five hours late. Very sleepy. Glad it’s at least Saturday and I have tomorrow to recover.
We were stuck in the Toronto airport for 8 or so hours when we were going to Scotland a couple of years ago and you’d think a cosmopolitan city like Toronto would have cool stuff in its airport terminals but you’d be wrong. So boring. We had to make up a game where each of the 4 of us bought something Canadian for under $2 and then we voted on the best thing. My friend tried to buy a Canadian Air pin from a stewardess who couldn’t sell it to her (it was part of her uniform) but did sell her some delicious maple cookies. So she won.