Wesley: And how does your kind define love? Demon: Same as all bodies. Same as everywheres. Love is sacrifice.

'The Girl in Question'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Susan W. - Feb 07, 2024 8:30:40 pm PST #28509 of 30000
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

So, my ultrasound/biopsy appointment is at 1 PM Pacific tomorrow, so please send healthy boob~ma my way.

I've mostly been coping with the stress OK, though I lost it a bit this morning over a small work thing, cried about it for half an hour (thank God for WFH!), and felt better thereafter. And, frankly, I've eaten a lot of junk food and not got a lot of writing or running or reorganizing my office done like I was off to a good start doing in the first half of January. I just hope that they're able to do the ultrasound-guided biopsy tomorrow, because there's a chance they won't be able to and will have to schedule me for an MRI-guided one instead, and who knows how many more weeks of waiting that will be.

DavidS - Feb 07, 2024 9:20:20 pm PST #28510 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Dangit, another morning run rained out. I thought it was going to be a little drizzle but it's too wet right now. At least not lashing winds and downpour. Just rain. Good for the snowpack, good for the state, bad for my running schedule.

At least I got one in yesterday. My body was getting very out of whack from lack of exercise. I'm getting to the point where I have to exercise to maintain comfortable function.

Today I'm doing lunch and a mani/pedi with my downstairs neighbor/tenant, Jamille. Our relationship has moved more towards friendship but this is our first outing together. So it's a step up from hanging out in the garage with her, drinking cocktails while she hands out farm share boxes.

Then lunch with Emmett tomorrow, and Matilda and I have dinner with Hannah (one of JZ's inner circle) on Friday. Matilda has been missing Hannah especially, so that'll be good.

DavidS - Feb 07, 2024 9:29:41 pm PST #28511 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I wrote that up and forgot to post it this morning.

So to follow-up: Had a great lunch and manicure with Jamille. We hung out for four hours talking, had a great lunch, got to treat her to some pampering it was lovely.

Then I swung by Alembic solo, chatted up some of the staff that I usually don't get to talk to that much and then had a very fun talk with two young women who were in the City for work.

So conversation aplenty.

Lunch tomorrow with Emmett. Lunch on Friday with JenK! Yay! Then dinner with Hannah on Friday.

So many beloved humans.

DavidS - Feb 07, 2024 9:30:16 pm PST #28512 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

so please send healthy boob~ma my way.

Wishing you all the boobs-be-well.

smonster - Feb 08, 2024 4:17:23 am PST #28513 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Much boob~ma, Susan.

Laura - Feb 08, 2024 4:55:46 am PST #28514 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Dcp is me, except I have never had a memory, so that's just how I've coped my entire adult life.

Same. I have always had brain like sieve so I learned early on to write everything down. Computers were a lifesaver for me. My calendar is extensive. My work Knowledge Base has over a thousand entries because every time I figure something out I create another article because I won't remember next time.

Brendon had a photographic memory. When I first met him in college I was blown away by how he only had to hear something or read it once, and it was there verbatim forever. This is no longer the case and he has no idea how to cope because he never developed the skills. I told him his memory banks were filled so he had to start writing notes. My son has the same ability and I have tried to warn him it isn't forever.

Two days from now I get a -t!! Be jealous. I’m sure we will remember to take at least one selfie.

I am jealous! Enjoy the visit and the festivities!

Thinking of Susan's boobs. Hey! She told me I could.

Also, Hi Bev!

Headed in my sib's direction later today for some of the weekend. Have to take my sister to the doctor tomorrow morning, and celebrate my brother's birthday. He rolled over to my age again a few days ago. The back for the Superbowl party Sunday. Not at my house for a change. Off to my BIL's BIL's home. This is cool because I missed going there on Christmas when I had Covid.

Laura - Feb 08, 2024 5:00:53 am PST #28515 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.


I applied for Social Security! I turn 70 in 2 weeks. After 55 years or so of contributing it is about time.

Jessica - Feb 08, 2024 8:44:10 am PST #28516 of 30000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

I don’t have any coping mechanisms for not remembering anything, because I could always remember everything. And people are relying on me.

I have been reading a lot lately on how high-masking smart neurodivergent women just FALL THE FUCK APART during perimenopause because all of the coping mechanisms we've been using since puberty were built on a foundation of mostly reliable hormone levels, which, as it turns out, were pretty important for day-to-day functioning.

Shir, there is a nonzero change I will be on a mandatory business trip to China while you are in the US, and if that happens I will be so MONUMENTALLY pissed at the entire universe. (There is also a nonzero chance this trip will fail to come together because the people planning it didn't account for my team being there and now we don't really fit into the agenda? So there is hope!)

-t - Feb 08, 2024 9:10:13 am PST #28517 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I have been reading a lot lately on how high-masking smart neurodivergent women just FALL THE FUCK APART during perimenopause because all of the coping mechanisms we've been using since puberty were built on a foundation of mostly reliable hormone levels, which, as it turns out, were pretty important for day-to-day functioning.

Huh. Well, that explains a lot. Knowing that may help with Operation Pull Myself Together...

Cannot think about vacation just yet, pouring a lot of effort into staying in work mode for the next 7 hours or so...

Jessica - Feb 08, 2024 9:17:31 am PST #28518 of 30000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

(I mean, probably neurotypical women also have a shitty time during perimenopause because it basically sucks? But I've been deep into a "would the squirrels in charge of my brain be better behaved this year if I had sought diagnosis/support in, like, high school when it might have actually helped?" rabbit hole lately, so, yeah. Maybe I should get the squirrels out of the rabbit hole, just as a starting point.)