I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back and getting stronger. Like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck.

Buffy ,'Showtime'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Tom Scola - Jan 09, 2024 11:13:30 am PST #27912 of 30000
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

I always read it as Arr Eee in my head.

Laura - Jan 09, 2024 11:13:42 am PST #27913 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

In my head I spell it out R E.

high fives Tom

dcp - Jan 09, 2024 11:14:21 am PST #27914 of 30000
I have grown older, but not up.

"Re" as in ree-gard. With a deep Southern accent.

-t - Jan 09, 2024 12:05:23 pm PST #27915 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration


NoiseDesign - Jan 09, 2024 1:30:25 pm PST #27916 of 30000
Our wings are not tired

Please keep Kristin and her dad in your thoughts. Today started out good, but is not turning into a very rough day.

meara - Jan 09, 2024 2:05:41 pm PST #27917 of 30000

Oh no. Definitely thinking of Pix and her dad.

Weather here is fine, just chilly, but I’ve been on multiple calls with people elsewhere who are like “not sure about my power/internet…”

I pronounce it Ree in my head.

erikaj - Jan 09, 2024 2:26:29 pm PST #27918 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

A little cold, for us. Good thoughts for pix and her dad.

Kate P. - Jan 09, 2024 2:36:09 pm PST #27919 of 30000
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

Lots of good thoughts heading toward Pix and her dad. Hoping for the best outcome for all involved.

-t - Jan 09, 2024 2:57:43 pm PST #27920 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Will keep them in the front of my head

Matt the Bruins fan - Jan 09, 2024 3:41:23 pm PST #27921 of 30000
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

Good thoughts for Pix and her dad.

I'm happy to report that mom's surgery went well yesterday ("beautifully" her doctor said) and she's at home feeling pretty good today. No call for follow-up chemo until she gets her 3-month checkup, but the post-op treatment measures were different enough from the last time to reassure me they weren't just doing the same thing and hoping for a different result.

I was puzzled by how much 7 hours of hospital waiting wiped me out yesterday compared to how I handle longer shifts normally, until I remembered I was doing it on maybe 2.5 hours' sleep. Yeah, that'll make a difference, particularly when you get there too early to buy coffee in the cafeteria. Today work was not fun, but at least I got to be the one notifying others about a late game heap o' problems and letting them scramble to fix them, rather than the reverse.