Simon: You're out of your mind. Early: That's between me and my mind.

'Objects In Space'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

askye - Dec 19, 2023 5:20:49 am PST #27456 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

Nilly I hope PiBoy has a speedy recovery.

Thanks everyone for letting me know the intolerances can develop. I had been having stomach issues and I tried a BRAT diet for a few days and felt better and went back to on regular diet. Then I still felt bad so I looked up FODMAP diet and stuck with the safe foods and did mostly follow it and felt better. Then switched back to regular diet and didn't feel as good. I'm going to make a Drs appointment just to make sure it's nothing else.

David I think you have been doing a remarkable job as a parent and husband and human being this past year. I wish the therapist had thought a little bit about how what she said would impact you as a parent and feel like it's undercutting all the work you've done to make things the best they can be.

Also yes if you are going to strong arm your family to be together Christmas is the traditional time ro do that.

askye - Dec 19, 2023 5:33:53 am PST #27457 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

And speaking of shitty things...last night between 7 ish and 9 ish one of the cats shit on our bed. On M's side. The bed wasn't made and the sheets were bunched up under it so the top and bottom sheet were the only casualties. My comment was "at least the comforter and mattress pad were ok". These words would come back to haunt me.

We stripped and changed the sheets and speculated on who the asshole cat was and why. Which ever cat it is has something going on because the poop was softer than it should be so I thought maybe it was an accident. M thought maybe it was a protest over the litter boxes not be clean enough. He went and took care of them but they were fine.

Until this morning around 2:30 when M woke me up with a start. He rolled over and his feet for wet.

A cat had peed on the end of the bed. With us in it and it was on the comforter through to the mattress pad. So we got up stripped the bed. Found replacement sheet and blankets and cursed the cats and tried to figure out the culprit.

This seems to be deliberate. I was wondering if it was against M but he is the "fun" cat owner who is around to give pets and treats. And I'm the non fun one who trims down murder mittens and gives medicine (I'm better at it) and refuses to give the begging cars treats most times (because they already had enough).

And then around 6 Ish we woke up to Duchess coughing up a hairball but she was doing this over the edge of the bed on the floor.

So that was not a restful night. We are going to ban the cats from our room for a few days at least. And try to pay attention to when a cat is in the litter box and see if we can ID a cat that way but I doubt we will be able to be successful.

Steph L. - Dec 19, 2023 5:53:45 am PST #27458 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Because nothing says Xmas spirit like forcing your family to visit you.

I think that you're entitled to some strong-arming this year.

Thanks everyone for letting me know the intolerances can develop.

askye, I can't remember -- did you get Covid? I developed lactose intolerance after my first bout of Covid. It's mostly gone away (I can eat cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc.), but I do still drink lactose-free milk and use oat milk creamer in my coffee.

Steph L. - Dec 19, 2023 5:54:39 am PST #27459 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Also: today is car day! I'm pretty excited!

-t - Dec 19, 2023 6:28:12 am PST #27460 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

New car and warm butts! Perhaps a big red bow!

askye - Dec 19, 2023 8:02:48 am PST #27461 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

Yay new car!!

Yes I had COVID . summer 2022. But I don't drink a lot of milk. I do eat a lot of cheese.

The things I had right before the worse day of this was spaghetti M made that had tons of garlic and onions and a different type of pasta than we normally use and then cereal and milk. So I'm thinking it might me a combo of things..

I'm going to try and nudge M to figuring out how to cook more in terms of less bread/flour and dairy since it's healthier.

Apparently a new strange cat showed up on the back porch this morning. Not one of the known neighbors cats. The text I got was "I ran a random car off our porch" which threw me for a minute until I realized the typo.

Dear cat distribution system...we are full up on cats. Do not send any out way.

Jesse - Dec 19, 2023 8:26:46 am PST #27462 of 30000
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

It's about forgiveness, and recognizing that you can't lean on one person to meet all your needs at a time like this. And various people will rise to their strengths, but sometimes not overcome their weaknesses. But you love them for what they can give you and not fret about the disappointments.

That is lovely, and so true.

DavidS - Dec 19, 2023 8:32:42 am PST #27463 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

When does her winter break start? Ours doesn't start until Friday, which feels late to me.

She's off to take a test right now, as they're doing finals this week. So we've got the same break schedule.

New car and warm butts! Perhaps a big red bow!

Now I want a big red bow on Teppy's butt!

DavidS - Dec 19, 2023 8:41:31 am PST #27464 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

the first without my mom, which was full of love and joy and still absolutely gutting and weird and wrong without her. Both can coexist.

They can. And I guess this year they will.

At the beginning of many of the Jewish holidays, there's a blessing that thanks G*d for getting us to this time and event. The first holiday without my father, I couldn't say it. I just couldn't. Expressing out loud the joy over being there, when he wasn't - I just couldn't. The mix of joy and longing is sometimes even harder than the absence and longing in and of itself.

Yeah, I could use some more joyeaux.

erikaj - Dec 19, 2023 9:44:27 am PST #27465 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

I don't want to say that it helps me out that my own mother is, well, kind of on the Scrooge spectrum. Because, believe it or not, sometimes I kind of hate it(How scary is it that I'm as close as our fam gets to an elf.) Out of the zillion things that will be on my mind when she passes(and, given our current arrangement and the administrative attitude of "Don't know what to tell ya," I get from the lesser powers, some of that might be frightening) living up to our Christmas traditions will never make the list. You probably know this from being divorced, as well as other tough times, Hec, but don't try *too hard* to Make A my experience this makes pressure and resentment instead of the memories people want to relive.(My family spent a lot of time Being Okay after my parents broke up. Nobody was.)