Dad~ma to you, Atropa!
I had a bit of an adventure yesterday. On the way back from buying a towel ring I was pulled over and frisked by police, and my car searched. The pretext was that I'd made an improper turn (onto an empty multiple-lane street, which they had to follow me through several unlikely turns to see), but afterward they said because I was driving through a high-drug-use area. Which might apply to where they pulled me over, but not to the million dollar house neighborhood where they started following me.
I think it was my "No Farms, No Food" bumper sticker that convinced them I was a hippie likely to be carrying the ganja.
Thinking positive outcomes for your dad, Atropa.
Matt, yikes!
Ugh, I have such Friday Brain today. My todo list at work is all stuff I've promised to deliver in January because by like Wed next week half the company will be on vacation already. Maybe I'll put my computer aside and go bake something.
Dad~ma to Atropa, stat!!
Matt, that is some bullshit. Glad you made it through relatively okay.
Thanks, all, for your thoughts. Calli, you are correct that I do not want and physically cannot sit at a computer 8 hrs a day. I do know someone here who does home inspections and have discussed it with them briefly. That wouldn’t give me the tangible results that my brain craves. I think I will mull Jen’s excellent list of questions this weekend and see.
In my dreams I apprentice in The Repair Shop, but the tv version lit with fairy lights and without time and budget pressures, which is not realistic for any kind of trade. And it would still likely require long stints in awkward positions. I know someone who recently apprenticed to learn antique repair, and they got paid $15/hr without benefits. That is not financially workable for me.
At my current job they want to eventually move me into a shop manager position, which could be good, but the timeline for that is non-existent and my inability to estimate times will be a big hindrance, as it has been throughout my time in this field. Plus they have “owner’s disease” and a really hard time letting go of control. And when I ask for support, it sometimes doesn’t happen or happens in a way that doesn’t work for me.
Matt that is bullshit. But I’m glad you’re ok.
Maybe I'll put my computer aside and go bake something.
I made bacon-cheddar biscuits but forgot the step where you cut the dough into biscuits before baking. So now I have a single MASSIVE bacon-cheddar biscuit and incontrovertible proof that I should just not bother trying to be productive today. (Pics are on FB/Insta if you want to laugh at/with me.)
That sucks, Jessica. And yes, clearly you should stop being productive.
Seen just now, a Mini with the vanity plate “XXXSMOL.”
Seen just now, a Mini with the vanity plate “XXXSMOL.”
Love it! On our last family drive we saw a vanity plate that read "ASOOBAWOO" which immediately became the nickname of our own Forester.
Matt, that is some bullshit. Glad you made it through relatively okay.
I was never really that worried, they were at least respectful even if it was surprising to be asked to step out of the car over a minor traffic infraction. Unlike so many other demographics I don't generally have to worry about police being hostile to me if I'm not giving them a reason.
First, health~ma for Atropa's dad.
Matt, oy! Sorry to hear about it.
Thank you everyone for you wonderful words. I have to say that I don't feel courageous or hopeful, but I find more and more that hope, like love, is rooted into action. I can feel despair and still do something that will make tomorrow, or next week, or next month better. And the more I do so, the more I feel love and gratitude to the world around me. Last week was absolute brutal at work (I worked extra 12 hours in 4 days because of some people's poor planning - I was one of them - including a day of 16 hours). And yet there were times in which I was in my chair, at my desk, looking out through the windows with a cup of tea and an attention demanding cat in my lap, and I felt very lucky to have all of that. I know people 3 hours from me are starving and hurting, and there's nothing I can do about it. I know my government is making things really bad for millions out there, and there's so very little I can do about it either. But I have here and now, and I can use what I have to do things to make the day after better. So that's what I do. The here and now, and the day after. Everything else is truly out of my control. But for my actions - I can focus on that and be responsible for them. (I hope that was coherent)
For hope, I also think of Rachel Goldberg Polin. I was with tears in my eyes by the end of her speech. [link]
I also didn't say anything about antisemitism abroad because there's nothing I know about it and how it feels like - but I'm sorry things here makes things abroad worse for everyone.
And a bit of meara'ing...
Yeah -- I've been thinking a lot about the song "Light One Candle," originally written as a pacifist reaction to the 1982 Lebanon War. [link]
Huh, I didn't know that! Good one from pacifists. Here the Lebanon war songs (the first one) are sad/protest songs. Most famous ones I can think of is Mid September [link] ("The year begins in mid September with great and growing rage/Stormy winds battle on every front/Winter kills and reaps/They say the end of the world is coming/At night the darkness deepens/All summer long the sky was red with pain/The ground's burning beneath it"), written after Sabra and Shatila. And only now that I'm translating this into English I'm wondering how it became Canon in New Jewish Year songs, because that's where I know it from. And, eh, I love this song.
I finished grading!
Also, I think I have bronchitis.
No! Speedy recovery.