That's a good tactic, David. Mine was using the time for the coffee to brew to either clean the toaster tray OR clean the teakettle OR wipe down the lower cabinet fronts OR wipe down the fridge OR freezer gasket, etc. I'm standing there in a stupor anyway, might as well do a piffling task and pin a star on my collar even before coffee.
And also, Daniel, I'm so sorry for your loss. Love and comfort to you and everyone who loved her.
I'm so sorry for your loss Daniel
My condolences, Daniel. May her memory be a blessing.
Tomorrow I have to start adulting before work and on all my breaks calling every pharmacy I can to see if anyone has Vyvanse or the generic in my dosage. Stupid shortage and it's been a domino effect-- there was/is a shortage of Adderall and so people switched medicine and that medication is now a shortage and it's also a combo of factors including limits to how much can be produced because of being a controlled substance. I've known this is an issue but I haven't had any problems getting my prescription filled, except last month, and so I haven't been proactive. I need to stop taking it on my day's off (unless I really really need it). Tomorrow's Thursday so I have tomorrow and Friday to try and find a pharmacy (hopefully). The worst thing is even if I find one that has some I still have to call the dr to get them to send the prescription to the new pharmacy and hope that it will get filled before they run out. (I will run out of meds on Saturday)
I was also reading that the shortage might last until 2025.
Ding dong, Henry Kissinger is dead.
May he rot in hell for eternity.
This week was supposed to be the last week of classes for the semester for me, but instead, I'm still at my dad's house, because one of my cousins came to Thanksgiving with "just a cold" and now my whole family has Covid.
Daniel, so sorry for your loss.
Oh FFS Hil, has no one learned anything these last few years about viral infectivity??? Going to a gathering with any symptoms at all these days is reckless
This is the first time my dad has gotten Covid at all. I am so pissed at these cousins. (With the logistics of transportation on Thanksgiving, there was no way to tell him to leave without telling everyone to leave -- they take the train to NJ from NYC as a group, and then my dad drives them home after dinner. And the cousin with the cold is someone who I don't think can take the train by himself.) We've gathered with them before, and always checked in beforehand if anyone was sick, described the symptoms, said that they'd tested and were negative, and either canceled or agreed that it would be safe. (Like several times, I've had a cough that I knew was just my asthma acting up, but even so, I took a test and we told them, "She's got a cough, but it's just asthma, no other symptoms, and the Covid test is negative" so that they could decide if they still wanted to meet. And they've done the same before when one of them was sick. I have no clue why they didn't this time.)
Oh no, Hil. Refuah shlema.
(another terror thingy today, this time in Jerusalem. Came to say I'm OK).