Sue, hooray for the fatty lipoma!
Does anyone have suggestions for what to use up FSA spending on? We didn't keep track of it (and I didn't realize quite how much Tim was having deducted every month), so we have quite a bit to go through. So far we have: glasses (multiple pairs) for both of us, stock up on OTC meds, new electric toothbrush. Any other ideas?
Do you have a pulse oximeter? I feel like maybe you do. We also bought an otoscope years ago that's surprisingly useful.
I once saw a cartoon with a rather bleary-eyed woman and two cats. One cat says to the other, "I love breakfast. You never know if you're going to get Kitty Bits or chunk white tuna in spring water." (or words to that effect)
He doesn't follow recipes at all just cooks stuff and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's.. creative.
This is my DP, too. It's actually good more often than not, but he likes his food much spicier than I do, so he usually tries to tame it down... but it often doesn't quite work for me. But, since he's working full-time from home again, and I am fully mobile again, I've taken over the cooking, muwah-ha-ha. It's actually been quite fun. I have a database of dinners -- mainly to track/link to recipes we like and make notes about what worked or what didn't.
Oh, Sue, so glad to hear good news! (Ditto re: everyone else's recent mammo follow-ups!)
I asked if he had a plan for the turkey breast "put it in a pan, cook it" ok.
I mean, you don't need much more than that.
Excellent news, Sue!
and will make an attempt at gravy
You can do it! Gravy's not that tricky. Just make a roux and add stock, seasoning etc.
How to Make a Roux: [link]
Don't be afraid to put a little brandy or bourbon in there. The alcohol will cook out and it will add depth of flavor.
Do you wear contacts at all, Steph? The last few years that I had FSA I used most of it up buying contacts - I wear dailies, so I go through them.
Great news, Sue. Fast results are the bestest.
Do you have a pulse oximeter? I feel like maybe you do.
We do -- it was a Covid-driven purchase.
We also bought an otoscope years ago that's surprisingly useful.
That might just be cool to have.
Do you wear contacts at all, Steph?
I really don't anymore. Because I thought of contacts, and then figured if I got dailies, I'd toss them in the closet and ignore them like the last box of dailies.
Yay Sue!
My cats aren't normally picky about their food, which is good, as at over $6/lb. their prescription chow is more expensive than most of the meat I buy for myself at the grocery store. (Little Britches threw over his regular canned wet food for it as soon as he got a whiff, and was zipping toward the big cats' food bowls like an arrow whenever he escaped the bathroom that first week.) But serving wet food to put meds in and while Molly's mouth recovers has been a learning experience.