Harrow: You didn't have to wound that man. Mal: Yeah, I know, it was just funny.


Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

smonster - Nov 25, 2023 1:23:49 pm PST #27070 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Oh lord, erin. Have y’all been close?

Domestic stuff can go sideways so very fast.

Yup. When women try to leave, they sometimes get killed. It’s the biggest danger point. Thankfully, AFAIK, R is anti-gun. But still, my friend thinks that since R did all that with the deputies there, they may well have gotten violent if just the three of us had shown up.

erin_obscure - Nov 25, 2023 1:43:24 pm PST #27071 of 30000
Occasionally I’m callous and strange

I'm very close to my dad emotionally. Not enough to move back to VA, but love for the entirety of my family clearly hasn't been enough to get me to move back to the east coast . I think about it often, especially with my mom on her own and also deteriorating. At least dad has K and his younger daughter in town and nearby. I've been on the west coast for more than 20 years now. That's a lot to uproot, especially just out of filial obligation.

And you are absolutely correct. You never know how someone is going to behave when emotions run high, especially in uncharted territory. Not worth finding out.

Shir - Nov 25, 2023 1:57:04 pm PST #27072 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

(apologies for not responding to other posts here)

They're on their way back. Mostly children. Huge, huge relief. However, Hamas seperated some families in this round, which is against the agreement (that is, they're keeping mothers in captivity while releasing their kids). So I'm not sure how tomorrow's gonna look like.

smonster - Nov 25, 2023 5:23:25 pm PST #27073 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Ugh. Why can’t people just play nice instead of pushing the boundaries all the time? I’m sorry, Shir, but glad the kids are home at least.

I've been on the west coast for more than 20 years now. That's a lot to uproot, especially just out of filial obligation.

For sure. I never understood why it was important for my parents to move back closer to their parents. I get it now. My desire to move back to NC is getting stronger all the time, for a number of reasons.

DavidS - Nov 25, 2023 6:15:31 pm PST #27074 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

My desire to move back to NC is getting stronger all the time, for a number of reasons.

I hadn't thought about that but it does make sense in a lot of ways.

I've spent the last 2.5 hours kicking the kitchen's ass and I'm 92% back to normal now minus a pie plate to clean, some wine glasses that don't go in the dishwasher and a few soaking pans.

I think I did literally more than a dozen pans and pots, as well as a full second load in the dishwasher, and re-apportioning leftovers (after giving Emmett a bunch) to fit things better in the fridge, and I broke down the carcass and roasted more veg to create a stockpot, which is happily burbling away.

Of the many ways I miss Jacqueline, I also miss the fine synchrony we had in the kitchen on Thanksgiving where she'd clean as I went so stuff didn't pile up like this.

Matilda Update: One of reasons she was off on Thanksgiving was that Joce brought her sweet little white dog, that (unfortunately for us) had a strong terrier prey instinct and really wanted to get at the Guinea Pigs. So while we covered the pigs with a sheet, Matilda was hyper vigilant most of the night.

Matilda Update 2: She has reported that she has been hanging out with "Kenny and his friends" since he's been back from college. When Emmett and I went down to the Garden Apartment to collect the turkey carcass from the fridge there, we found the door locked.

Which we usually don't do for the interior stairs.

And, though Matilda had told me she was already out of the house with "Kenny and his friends" --she was in fact, down there alone with Kenny. (Who is a lanky ginger like a handsome Weasley. Let's say...Bill.)

Anyway, they were not in a state of undress or anything but they were certainly canoodling and after we said Hello and got our bird, Kenny (with no coterie of friends) and Matilda went off to dinner.

I'm perfectly fine with all this (though Emmett is a little bit bristling guard dog). I'm glad she's moving past her ex-BF and if she's finding something that makes her feel alive and happy. At least it's not a kamikaze relationship with Spike.

meara - Nov 25, 2023 7:47:44 pm PST #27075 of 30000

Glad there’s some progress Shir, I hope it continues!!

I had a Friendsgiving last night which was nice but then I hadn’t packed at all. Got up this morning and packed up and cleaned and stuff. Got 30 minutes down the road and realized I left my meds sitting on the table. Ugh. One of a very few things I absolutely had to bring with! So had to turn around and go back. But other than that, not bad traffic at all. Poor dog hates car travel but I finally found the Benadryl, which helps. He’s glad to be in the hotel now though. I’m feeling exhausted even though it’s 7:45 and I slept in this morning. Tomorrow about 5-6 more hours, then a week at our friends’ place, then continuing on to Palm Springs. Already looking forward to the hot tub.

-t - Nov 25, 2023 7:59:10 pm PST #27076 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration


Shir - Nov 26, 2023 1:02:29 am PST #27077 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Mood after seven weeks of war: I referred to the cat as the militarized wing of the alarm clock.

Laura - Nov 26, 2023 5:20:44 am PST #27078 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Of the many ways I miss Jacqueline, I also miss the fine synchrony we had in the kitchen on Thanksgiving where she'd clean as I went so stuff didn't pile up like this.

Oh dear, I can imagine the resultant cleanup tasks!

I'm perfectly fine with all this (though Emmett is a little bit bristling guard dog). I'm glad she's moving past her ex-BF and if she's finding something that makes her feel alive and happy. At least it's not a kamikaze relationship with Spike.

Sweet and normal that Emmett is in guard dog mode. Kenny is apparently someone she has known a while from school? I hope it soothes her heart after shithead ex-BF.

was looking at flights for Friday morning, but K was very adamant to not show up just yet. Tiny hospital room, no diagnosis, nothing to do. She says it's not time yet. I just....need at least two days to *get* there. Stoopid lack of teleportation.

Have you had any updates? Sending lots of dad~ma. I'm sorry.

Tomorrow about 5-6 more hours, then a week at our friends’ place, then continuing on to Palm Springs. Already looking forward to the hot tub.


Mood after seven weeks of war: I referred to the cat as the militarized wing of the alarm clock.

7 weeks of war and you can still bring a smile to my face.

At my sister's house. Saw my brother yesterday. Both of them are in very poor health. My oldest sib at 75 is in better shape than these two, although she has a long list of issues too. FL sister is likely going to have spinal surgery if they decide she is well enough. If so I'll come over here and stay with her for a bit. Ideally she would spend a very long time in rehab because she is very close to immobile.

Other than that, just taking it a day at a time here. Less than 3 months until I promised myself I would retire. Working on making that happen.

erin_obscure - Nov 26, 2023 11:38:03 am PST #27079 of 30000
Occasionally I’m callous and strange

Cats are absolutely militarized alarm clocks. One of the reasons they are so useful to have around when you are clinically depressed. Gotta get out of bed, even if only to feed the knife-fingered demon nibbling at your eyelids and yowling for noms. Once up and functional enough to open a can of cat food, might as well check messages and make that dreaded phone call. I might be speaking from personal experience.

I cleaned the kitchen yesterday of all the post-thanksgiving prep mess. Then melted four+ pounds of beeswax and stayed up until 2am dipping candles and making a new mess.

Heartened that Hamas is releasing some hostages. That seems like a step in the right direction for human-based co-existence.

I'm very intrigued by Drew's more spooky ACC design. It speaks to my heart. Not enough to fly to SoCal to see it, but enough to consider. My favorite sequence ever to call in a theatre was the opening of Act II of ACC to that Carol of the Bells. It's so....energetic? That's not quite the right word. Def gets the blood pumping.