Sometimes when I'm sitting in class... You know, I'm not thinking about class, 'cause that would never happen. I think about kissing you. And it's like everything stops. It's like, it's like freeze frame. Willow kissage.

Oz ,'First Date'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

meara - Nov 23, 2023 5:50:25 pm PST #27036 of 30000

Sounds exhausting smonster but glad you made it through!

I sat around and did almost nothing today. Got up and baked a monkey bread but it being only me barely made a dent in it. Otherwise, some tiktok, some book, and some great British bake off. Bit lonely but also didn’t try real hard to get an invite anywhere and get stuck somewhere weird or awkward.

JenP - Nov 23, 2023 6:13:20 pm PST #27037 of 30000

I'm glad you and kitty are safe at home, smonster.

We just got back from a yum dinner out at a new to us and.nice place in Vienna, VA. DUDES, though! A couple tried to poach our reservation! Maybe.

The place was super crowded, and we had a res for two @ 6p, but we're still waiting at 6:20p. No big, it was busy.

But the hostess had her list, and I knew where we were on it behind my the couple in front of us. So they got seated, and I'm sitting at the bar, and one of the hostesses starts talking to another couple, and they go to a table...

I'm like, uh, no, they got in after is, and I go to the hostess, and she's like, OMG, I asked them if they were your name, and they said yes! I asked them like three times!

So she goes and gets them and makes them get up, and they just leave, and we go sit down. She's SO apologetic, and I'm like, not your fault, and.maybe they just misheard you, and she was like... "Yeah, no." (I'm still kind.of, like, yeah, but... What did they think would happen if they were doing it in purpose? That's weird.)

Big excitement! Actually, totally calm and fine, but still... my hyoervigilance paid off for once.

Dinner was delish. Now we're going to watch the second half of Oppenheimer, and I will fall asleep.

-t - Nov 23, 2023 8:21:37 pm PST #27038 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

{{{smonster}}} Live you. Glad you are home and safe and snuggling the cat

That ‘s very cool, askye! And pretty funny.

Have had a chill day with the folks. Mom is recovering from her biopsy on Monday (which is cancerous but stage 1 or type 1 or whatever super-small-and-we-think-it-can-all-be-removed is) so our already unambitious cooking plans got dialed back even more. Everything came out tasty and we have way too much food, so success!

-t - Nov 23, 2023 8:23:00 pm PST #27039 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

And the gall, JenP! Glad you noticed.

JenP - Nov 24, 2023 6:02:43 am PST #27040 of 30000

I'm glad the news is that it's so early, -t.

Today is looking like another super chill day, and I am looking forward to it.

Because of lurking in the Literary thread, I've started listening to the Murderbot series. Fun! I think that will be my accompaniment for the day.

Toddson - Nov 24, 2023 8:33:39 am PST #27041 of 30000
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Thanksgiving is one of those days. Good, bad, they often end up being memorable. I STILL remember the time my aunt and her husband came to my parents' house and my mother made her mother's famous oyster dressing. Of course, that was the year most of us came down with a stomach bug ... for years, any time I was queasy I'd remember that smell.

And, Atropa, I saw a video of someone who had their Alexa(?) playing Total Eclipse of the Heart and every time she sang "Turn around" the family dog would, yes, turn around.

Shir - Nov 24, 2023 10:33:56 am PST #27042 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

smonster, happy to hear it's behind you now. All the ~ma. You are smart and incredibly brave.

In local news: 13 Israeli hostages, 10 Thai hostages and one Filipino hostage were released today alive. Trucks with humanitarian help are entering Gaza. And 39 Palestinian youths (under the age of 18) and women that were in Israeli prison after trying to kill or otherwise hurt Israelis are also being released as part of the deal. I'm not sure what they did because I don't want to read about more violence and terror tonight, but stabbings, stones, and molotov cocktails were mentioned.

Over 200 Israelis are still hostages, but for the first time since October 7th I'm breathing a bit better. This is both a wonderful and a sad evening.

I'm also very concerned about Gaza (when I have the time to read updates, and space in my heart to think of them as well). Road to Recovery is already in my donations list, but I'll search for another initiative that is helping kids and civilians in there. The situation looks dire. I wish I could have done more for them and for us, but even showing my government the door seems to be tricky. I swear they found the strongest glue known to humans and it's attaching them to their seats.

DavidS - Nov 24, 2023 10:43:22 am PST #27043 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

A few Thanksgiving notes:

Emmett came over on Wednesday to help make the Spanikopita with Matilda. As we stood in the parlor talking he glanced down at JZ's cookie jar and sort of stroked it, affectionately, wistfully.

My college roommate, Chip, wrote me a lovely letter, all typed up and everything.

I heard from many people on the day but it was particularly sweet to hear from Nikki and Malia, the teenagers we helped who said they were very grateful for me and Matilda. They have settled in nicely with their new Foster host and doing well.

When we were cleaning up, we found the journal that JZ's Matron of Honor, Charlotte, sent to Matilda. Instead of writing her a card, she had filled up a blank book with her memories of being with Jacqueline. I think Jacqueline had asked Charlotte to write to Matilda and reach out to her. She took it to heart and filled up a blank book.

Matilda held the journal to her heart and a wave of sadness crashed on her. She was sad off and on all day, but she also got everything ready with me. And there was plenty of laughter for her too. It was good for her to host her friend Mia.

Emmett was running around setting up Thanksgiving that his girlfriend, Kalena, was hosting at their apartment for her family. She's starting a new job and has been off to Fairfield for two weeks for training and orientation. So he had to brine and spatchcock her bird, and clean the house, as she was only back for one day to cook everything.

But as ever, his genial, warm, laughing presence lifts the mood in the room. Just as he did as the entertainment at all of Matilda's birthday, he makes it festive.

Our two new guests, Jes and Joce, fit in perfectly, as I expected they would. They're both very funny and warm hearted and creative.

My turkey was dry. The mac and cheese Matilda requested that I banged out at the last minute was great. The mushroom stew in the pastry cups continues to be the favorite dish. Emily's pies were all fantastic.

DavidS - Nov 24, 2023 10:45:11 am PST #27044 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

In local news: 13 Israeli hostages, 10 Thai hostages and one Filipino hostage were released today alive.

I'm very thankful for that. I hope it is the beginning of a steady stream.

Dana - Nov 24, 2023 10:51:59 am PST #27045 of 30000
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

And how was the spanakopita?