It's a small and very memememe thing, but popping in in time to be here with a real live Nilly is always a delight!
Nilly and Shir, I've been thinking of both of you and your families constantly this month. Sending love your way in hope that it helps to shore up the giant reserves that you're putting out into your communities.
I'm also on the "not as bad as others" club.
I'm also now wondering what it's like to live in a quiet, boring place where nothing happens and no one has strong opinions on who should live there.
(I still love Jerusalem very much. But war is something else).
Hec, this may be embarrassing, but you have given me Dad energy before, too.Wouldn't quite say you helped me grow up, but I hope you're not too disappointed. (Sometimes I am, with how I turned out)
{{Nilly and Shir}}}
Someone brilliant here thinks that adding Tony Blair to the mix will somehow be an improvement. As if Libya and Gaddafi never happened. [link]
I want some of the drugs the brilliant consultants are taking. How in the what...
And oh, Jessica! Happy birthday!
How in the what
This right here is a Tagline For Our Times.
I guess that the silver lining is that they didn't ask for Kissinger.
Karl, I second that emotion.
The consultants to whatever make everything worse. Sure have done electoral politics no favors, unless 1. Dumber and 2. costs more are, you know, selling points for some reason.
Not surprising they also blight international relations.
Shir, you're quite right, in a sick humored kind of way.
Timelies all!
Happy birthday Jessica!
Got my COVID vaccine today.