Fondue for birthday sounds like an excellent plan, Fiona! I'd wish you a happy birthday but you already took care of that with melted cheese.
They are supposed to take my Dad down for his operation at 630. Hoping it all goes smoothly and I’ll be able to take my Mom back home to rest by late morning.
Pain-ease and easey peasey procedure for Lisah's dad.
I vote for slaughter ceasing immediately. Humans can be so discouraging.
I think my face is getting close to normal. One more gentle washing this morning should help.
I have more stuff to chip away at,
I'm paralyzed with not caring. I kinda don't wanna.
Did it again with the post, WTH?
Glad for all of you for your niece's visit, David.
Sending good vibes to you all and your dad, lisah. Hoping he's in it heading to recovery by now after a smooth operation.
Love to you, Shir.
Sending all the results ~ma your way, Epic.
Wishing you spine-be-good, Epic, and good test results.
Epic, all the good spine~ma to you!
Fingers crossed for Epic! And for Lisa’s dad and so on.
Dad out of surgery and surgeon said he did well. They had a minor complication with a bone perforation but were able to put a cable in and fix it (Science!). He's in recovery now and I'm taking my Mom home so she can nap for a bit.
All the best results for you, epic!!!
but were able to put a cable in and fix it (Science!)
That actually sounds a little more Engineering! Or, Handyman!
But good news in any case!
Epic, lisah, much health~ma to you and yours.
Here: looks like some sort of a ground invasion has begun.
If y'all excuse me, I'm now gonna go and make voodoo dolls of this entire freaking psychotic Molech government and curse them ten genorations back.