Remember when someone was gonna make, like, chips for ladies? Did that actually happen?
I just heard a story that included part of the interview that came from! [link] It turns out the internet ran with the sound-byte sans context (imagine that!). The idea was to make snack options that would fit within how their studies showed women ate chips (less finger residue, packs that fit in a purse). Not "chips-for-her" pink packaging kind of stuff.
Apparently I’m not mommy if I can’t put my hair in a messy bun.
Ooof. Mom Bobs are a thing!
Sunday Timelies!
Hmm, let's see if I can put any content in this post, other than the timelies and the good vibes for health and peace and all good things for mind and soul and body for all y'all.
PiBoy is at school today (he doesn't like school on principle, and he dislikes anything that takes him away from the Minecraft server (goodness, I hope I'm using the right word) he's building, so I consider him even attending school as a win).
His school is really struggling in maintaining any sort of lessons routine, because at least half of the teachers in this school are enlisted (the person in charge of all 7th to 9th grades gave them a short online talk last Friday, while wearing uniforms and being away from home, which was very moving). Most of what they've managed to do was online, for the past couple of weeks (which PiBoy was totally OK with, because he could listen and even participate while having his Minecraft game open on another screen), but today they've managed to arrange for almost all of the pupils of the school to be there in person.
Pi+Girl had a friend over for their online classes (they're goofing around only about half of the time, and they're chatting and laughing, so it's another win in my book).
(Pi+Girl's friend's father was enlisted two weeks ago, and she's only seen him briefly for a couple of hours of leave he had last week. Their house doesn't have a safe room (again, I hope I'm using the right word), so the whole family - minus the father, obviously - is staying with friends, whose house does have a safe room, large enough to contain both families. You can understand how much I admire Pi+Girl's friend's mom, who still manages to work while juggling all this, and her daughter even had all the right textbooks when arriving at our place this morning! And also the family who hosts them for so long - even both familes' dogs get along!).
Good to hear how the PiKids are doing and to see you, Nilly. So much love to you and yours.
Glad to hear the Pi kids are taking things in stride and, especially, that your girl is able to see her friend.
Sending love to you all, Nilly
Im impressed at anyone managing to hold it together in your area right now Nilly, wow! (Also amazed the children are that old?! Somehow not still toddlers??)
I can confirm that Nilly's kids are no longer toddlers. Two days before the war started I saw them (and Nilly) with my own eyes.
I'm OK as can be. Here's today's link: [link]
PiBoy is at school today (he doesn't like school on principle, and he dislikes anything that takes him away from the Minecraft server (goodness, I hope I'm using the right word) he's building, so I consider him even attending school as a win
Oh, Nilly, I am so glad your kids have a bit of normality in this awful time. My kids spent a few years playing Minecraft and I hosted a private server for them while they were at their peak.
The families continuing everyday life amaze me. I will always hope for your family's continued safety.
Nilly and Shir, thank you so much for the updates. You are both constantly in my thoughts.