If I think of it as a memorial colonoscopy, it makes it a wee bit easier. If anyone could spare some medical-procedure-ma, I'd be vey grateful.
All the medical procedure -ma, Fiona. A fine memorial.
Thank you for all the kind thoughts and love. I'm going to try to get through this without openly sobbing. Nothing wrong with sobbing, of course, but I won't have access to my box of tissues at the church.
Bring the box of tissues! For real.
::hugs David::
Bring the box of tissues! For real.
Definitely. (For many church funerals I've attended, they also put boxes of kleenex in the pews. But just in case, bring them!)
Box of tissues
Cotton bandana? Absorbent yet durable.
~ma Fiona!
Echoing everyone saying bring tissues (or whatever) and don’t avoid sobbing!
David, love and support to you, Emmett, Matilda, and all who gather to mourn Jacqueline.
David, I'm holding you and Matilda and Emmett in my heart today. I love you.
Shir and Nilly, you are still — always — in my thoughts.
Thanks for saying that perfectly, Steph.
David, may you do, be, and get exactly what you need to get through this today. We're surrounding all of you in love and support... blinvisibly and otherwise.
I go for the cloth hankies myself. Both my parents always carried handkerchiefs so I apparently inherited the habit.
Thank you for the link so that we can be with you virtually.
Funny...in my head, I've thought of Hec as the handkerchief type.(maybe with a monogram)
I love them for sad times and allergies; they don't get wet ever.(Maybe not the greatest if you're sick--I mean, besides sick at heart, which you would be forgiven for...I meant the other kind. Not totally sure how well they clean up, she said tangentially.
Atropa, healing to your dad.
Shir and Nilly, healing to your country, and indeed the region. Thank you for these years of giving me images of it that are not bound up with conflict.
David, may you do, be, and get exactly what you need to get through this today. We're surrounding all of you in love and support... blinvisibly and otherwise.
What JenP said.
I am so grateful to be able to see the service right now. I am holding all of you in my heart.