Hi. Still safe here, in terms of shelter prep it was a great day (a neighbor is apparently trauma nurse! We got a nice goody bag of medical supplies).
A time sensitive advice: mute right now the words "beheaded/beheading" on all platforms. You don't want to know the news. Just do it and don't think about it. Trust me.
Excellent plans, Calli!
Hang in there Shir. Trauma nurse does sound like a good neighbor to have. I appreciate the trigger warning for the news, and I'm sorry you know enough to warn us.
Oh dear lord, Shir. That you have to/can help us in that way staggers the mind.
Bless you and everyone you care about.
We are actually staying at an Airbnb in NH because the rates closer to Salem are crazy making—also the advantage of a full kitchen to cut down on eating out.
I don't suppose your Airbnb is in Rye, NH? (My sister's inlaws rent cottages near Rye Beach, it would be an awesome coincidence if you were staying there.)
Adding to the trigger warnings "Kfar Aza/Azza" and "Beeri/Be'eri".
Two classmates from high school survived Kfar Azza. That's the only good news.
Adding to the trigger warnings "Kfar Aza/Azza" and "Beeri/Be'eri".
Are those the kibbutzim, Shir? I've only glimpsed the headlines.
Two classmates from high school survived Kfar Azza. That's the only good news.
Hang on to whatever good news you can get. You and Nilly are very much in my thoughts. I'm so glad you're safe.
I don't suppose your Airbnb is in Rye, NH?
Hampstead. That would have been cool. There wasn't a lot available.
Oh Shir, I hope you hear more good news. I know avoiding the news isn't really possible.
Are those the kibbutzim, Shir?
Two of several kibbutzim. The worst stories (so far) are starting come out of these specific two. Don't read them.
I'm glad you have a trauma nurse on hand, Shir. I'm sorry that about the potential relevance. Thank you for reaching out to care for us, even as you have so much going on there. I wish we could find a way to care for you, too.
I wish we could do something that helps(maybe distraction does, sometimes)
Calling about my electrical rate plan was not as arduous(or pitching) as I feared-although still an annoying shell game by a monopoly.
But the woman I talked to was a big help and really pleasant, so that was good.