Thank you for the info on the service, David. Good to hear it will be available to watch. I really enjoyed what I have seen of this pastor. We will plan on being with you in the Spring for the memorial. Love you.
That's very sweet, and would be lovely to see you in the spring.
If I were there, I'd go. Even though I'd fit in better if she were laid out on the felt. Glad I got to say goodbye, though. Even if it was wrenching in that moment.
We could play The Pogues at her Memorial.
Oy. Matilda being Matilda sent me a flurry of emergency texts this afternoon. Two girls at her school who lived with their grandmother had lost their housing and would have no place to sleep tonight.
The shelter they looked at would separate them. they're staying in the garden apartment downstairs tonight. It is understood that this is a short term solution and something else will need to be done. But I certainly won't let teenagers sleep in the park. Jacqueline wouldn't either.
You're good people, David. No wonder an amazing gal like Jacqueline was so fond of you.
Hope that your local services will come up with something for those girls and their g'ma very soon.
It always strikes me as weird when there are obstacles to paying your bill. You would think that would be the one thing that would be made so easy you could almost do it accidentally.
Some comedian had a bit about this, "if someone else wants to pay my bill, LET THEM!"
Maybe 52 is just the age for bad teeth to completely collapse.
Sounds right to me. Dang teeth.
I have a root canal tooth that has been hurting since it was done two years ago. Which implies it wasn't done correctly and my dentist gives zero bothers. I hate my current dentist. I just love my hygienist.
In lighter news (which would be anything after a conversation about root canals and tooth extractions), Mattel is going to release a Stevie Nicks Barbie.
So the two teenage sisters (Malia and Nickie, a junior and soph respectively) were very nice and a bit shell shocked.
I made them BEC sandwiches for breakfast, and sandwiches for lunch and sent them off to school. They'll be back here tonight and we'll see what shakes out. Hopefully their situation gets resolved. But I can roll with them for a few days.
Very kind and caring of both you and Matilda, Hec. Completely unsurprisingly.
I was pretty hesitant to take on an extra responsibility right now but they're low maintenance and very nice.
They're not even friends of Matilda. She just saw one of them crying in the class where she's a TA.
Amid all the news about bad things happening and nasty people, it's good to know that good people still exist and are doing good things. Yay David.