Epiphanies can be some bullshit.
Co-signing and joining the choir. My brain and heart are still trying to "fix" an unsolvable situation in life, even though I know what the answer is. I just really wish it was different.
(waves, hi, hugs, ~ma, health, love, sparkles, alibis, bitter revanges if you need one)
I'm especially a fan of looking at something with my parents or family and realizing "Oh, that's why I'm like this."
Oh, I forgot to say I'm sorry about the Covid, Atropa. May it be short-lived and mild.
Got the vax on Thursday, felt like shit on Friday. Felt better today; it was a gorgeous day (after the deluge on Friday). I went out and shot 2 rolls of film, took 14000 steps. I feel utterly exhausted now.
Texting with Mr. Loomycakes earlier:
Him: You’re resting, right?
Me: Yes. I’m spending the day rewatching Interview with the Vampire.
Him: The Blu-Ray?
Him: Hahaha surprise!
Murder husbands OTP v1! Mr. Loomycakes truly knows my taste In comfort media.
Aww, I hope the surprise package was successful in comforting.
We crawled around the lake in my sister's pontoon boat and took a zillion leaf pictures, then DH and I went for a nice drive and I took a few more. Stopped and visited an artist friend who has an artist coop place in Raquette Lake to get hugs, and while I was there some super cute ghost earrings and lovely soap. With my place under construction I have no place for any of the other pottery and such. This is the friend who referred me to the artist who painted my awesome otter sign for my camp. I finally have insulation and walls in the downstairs living spaces, and a propane furnace! They are working on the ceiling today. Coming together. Warmth has been very nice, just in time for a series of warm days we are expecting this week. My son and GF are coming Wednesday to go up the ski lift with us to see more leaves on the mountain sides.
That sounds lovely Laura -- the leaf viewing past and future.