but you really didn't need One More Fucking Thing.
I'm looking at my aftercare paperwork and it looks like my blood pressure is high. Like...No Bueno high.
People gotta stop sending me consolation cake!
MiL is leaving today, so that's a blessing. I really just want to get back to something like a normal routine (though that currently involves a full-time dayjob of handling paperwork).
Then I get to work on my new exciting new DASH diet.
But nothing's going to be normal until after the Funeral, and I have another dermatological procedure on October 20th.
Maybe by Halloween things will be less scary.
The medical evidence seems to suggest that maybe,
just maybe,
I've been under a lot of stress for an extended period.
Seriously, David. I hope you can focus on your health for a bit. I've known several people who got sick after such a horrible loss. Your immunity is down from the stress. My mom got super sick after dad died. About 6 weeks later she was hospitalized with pneumonia. Stress and grief take a real physical toll above and beyond the emotional toll. No doubt your diet has been a mess lately too so a bit of clean eating is a good plan. Love you and worry.
but would it make my poems bloody awful?
SPIKEVAX will make all your prose effulgent but your poetry bloody awful. It's a sad fact. But only for a 24-48 hours, then back to regular.
Hec, I don't think blood pressure readings count until at least two months after the funeral. But I would drop off a consolation quinoa and kale pilaf if I were closer. It's almost as comforting as cake, just completely different.
But seriously, I have made a cold salad similar to this one more than once to leave on the doorstep of friends in lieu of traditional comfort foods. It has the advantage of needing no heating up, you just make it once and then scoop out dollops for needed sustenance. Plus it just keeps getting better for days sitting in the fridge.
I tried making kutia on Wednesday. It turns out I don't really like the flavor of poppyseeds so rather a fail in my immediate circle. Glad I tried it in advance of holidays rather than showing up for a big food gathering with a huge casserole dish of sadly sweet poppyseed drenched wheatberries.
Aeryn is at Vidcon this weekend with Ethan, so Dylan and I are on our own and he has decided he wants to make beef Wellington tonight. I talked him out of a full size roast and so instead we have two filet mignons (filets mignon?) ready to be wrapped in mushrooms, prosciutto, and puff pastry.
A is over the moon because her cosplay was well received by a gaggle of other teenagers who are fans of the same youtuber she is dressed up as and now they are all besties and have a group chat.
But I would drop off a consolation quinoa and kale pilaf if I were closer.
Very sweet offer.
A is over the moon because her cosplay was well received by a gaggle of other teenagers who are fans of the same youtuber she is dressed up as and now they are all besties and have a group chat.
Nerd tribe! What YouTuber?
Hec, insent. Just cause I thought you'd be interested sometime...you don't have to read it right now.
Thanks for the tips on SPIKEVAX, Erin. I guess I'm fortunate that most of the folks I'd Emote in front of know how I feel about them, these days.
His name is Ranboo and his channel is incomprehensible to me because I am an Internet Old. She is cosplaying his character from Generation Loss which was this three part livestreamed choose your own adventure horror movie.
His name is Ranboo and his channel is incomprehensible to me because I am an Internet Old.
I'm a full Internet Relic.