Family's not really being a pain. They just expect that a funeral announcement would have followed by now, and that's not a crazy expectation.
Anyway, I ran a berjillion errands with Matilda today in advance of her returning to school tomorrow.
The complicated route I took to hit all my stops had all the genuine satisfaction of a solving a sudoku. Because I had to factor in one way streets, streets with no turns, cross city routes and hit the parking on every stop too.
Ehh, it's too much to explain but if you've lived in San Francisco and ever had to run 7 errands in two hours you know what I mean.
I haven't lived in SF, but I get that
(Did I mention we moved? We did. Much better house. And it has a natural gas -powered fire pit in the backyard!!)
My dream ritual spot!! Congrats on the move and good unpacking vibes.
Family's not really being a pain.
Gotcha, and good to hear. And go you for errand-fu.
We just ate takeout from a yum new Thai place we discovered thanks to a friend's b-day dinner.
Holy crap, Amy! I just saw they closed Longwood Gardens because of that guy.
Holy crap indeed! That’s like defiling a sacred place.
David, that sounds pretty impressive to me.
What do you know, if I have five days off in a row and sleep a lot I actually have energy to do a thing or two after work. Had tacos with R and I just picked a couple of PT places to call tomorrow. Go me.
Had tacos with R and I just picked a couple of PT places to call tomorrow. Go me.
Nice! I felt the same way after the three-day weekend. Amazing what a little rest will do.
David, NYC is like that, and even my little burg here, because it's 75% one-way streets and zero parking anywhere.
I hope the trip to see your sister is at least easy travel.
I am a bear of very little brain today. Love you all.
Love you back, WindSparrow.
Just settled into the hotel room after soaking in the spa for a bit. Had a nice day with family and friends up here near the Canada border. I laughed when my phone texted me Welcome to Canada, because not actually there, just using a tower from there apparently.
Anyway, read all, but too tired to respond except to restful nights or productive days to all.