An unexpected beach trip sounds nice.
It is our happy place. She likes to swim and I like to bounce in the water and chat, and then go back and read and people watch while she swims. It is “just” a Great Lake beach, not the ocean, but it is so calming.
It is “just” a Great Lake beach, not the ocean
There's no "just" about it -- the Great Lakes are no small potatoes! They have currents and waves and riptides! But no salt and no sharks.
I am so missing our family beach trip. I keep telling R stories and realizing they have beaches in them, but not the NC beach. Turkey, Corfu. Beaches when my mom was alive, if not with me. I need beach and book time. I need escape right now.
As mentioned on fb, R and I watched The Matrix tonight for the first time since either of us learned it was a metaphor for the trans experience. It is a really heavy movie through that lens, especially watching it with someone who is just realizing they are trans. So many damn details in there - like, I don’t think Switch or Epoch got pronouns. Just their names.
That’s interesting. Now I want to rewatch.
I haven’t been around the board much in the past few years (although I do occasionally lurk) but coming back and reading all the lovely posts about JZ has been healing. Like coming home to people who have known you for a long time and regardless of how we wander, we can come back and soothe one another during difficult times. Thank you all for this virtual vigil.
Hec, I have no wise words. But you and Matilda have my love and support.
Debet, I'm glad Arthur is home now.
David, I'm so glad that you and Matilda have the Sacred Circle.
"Looking for JoJo" has now replaced "Waiting for Godot" in my existential pantheon.
That is a very good title.
Great to see your pixels, ChiKat. What have you been up to?
And yeah, those death certificates are needed for everything. Charlie didn’t have a complicated life and I still needed like 5 verified versions for closing down certain accounts, etc.
Like coming home to people who have known you for a long time and regardless of how we wander, we can come back and soothe one another during difficult times. Thank you all for this virtual vigil.
And so glad Arthur is going home!
Then I read about new human Arthur and alien rave salons and Karl hugs and I can take a breath knowing good shit still happens.
Echoing this, very much. Happy that Arthur is home now. And hello, Karl! Hello, ChiKat!
I went outside with a friend yesterday despite this being a migraine day (in a migraine season) and a very sad day after JZ's passing for mocktails and a movie. We were both a bit disorientated by life events and/or biology, but nothing beats being with a friend who knows and accepts you when you're not at your best day, and not staying indoors all gloomy and alone. I am grateful for that.
Edited to add: I've been searching for this poem in the past month and couldn't remember much about it to locate it. I thought you might want to read it too. [link]
Good morning Buffistas! And hello Shir.
I sure was grateful for the impromptu beach trip.