I've found that telling marginally okay white dudes or marginally okay dudes of any color at all with some power that you, just as female, are scared of dudes because of assholes like this can make them fear for their safety sometimes helps. Which is to say, it won't help you at the time but maybe call and report them afterwards, explaining why you aren't still there. Some police are bad people and will get off on knowing but maybe some will go stop the assholes.
Also I am sorry you felt unsafe but still think you did a good thing. But safety first.
Oh, JZ, how awful! I’m sorry.
Ugh what an awful situation, JZ. I hate the world sometimes.
Fuck that guy, JZ, and good for you for giving him the business.
I'm sorry about the loss of your naked-lady comfort place. That truly sucks.
JZ, good for you being you and giving asshat what he deserved, and hugs to Hec for being a most excellent husband!
It is way too busy today for a holiday. Doctor's offices don't recognize it as such at all.
JZ, that sucks, but good on you for sticking to your guns and good on Hec for looking out for you.
Atropa, that ALSO sucks. I don't suppose they'd let you buy a pool on clearance?
I feel you, JZ. The one time husband got into a back-and-forth at a grocery store about a guy wearing his mask below his nose, my contribution was to mutter "Fuck off" to the guy, which is not really going to defuse things. I'm just constantly on the edge of that anger.
Cass! I'm glad you're doing better, but yikes!
Lots of health~ma headed your way, Cass! I hope all is under control now. You may recall a bit over 7 years ago I had my first and only grand mal seizure. Medications are a no go for me for a number of reasons, but I have been able to keep it from happening again by being super mindful of stress and an absolutist about getting my sleep. My Neurologist said he could off the record suggest marijuana for me since the meds were such an issue for me. Anyway, main point, sending much love and whatever ~ma you need.
I'm just constantly on the edge of that anger.
Though people bend and break rules at the stadium all the time but I just shrug and ignore them; smoking, though, is a huge all-caps rule posted at every gate, it's just rude to do it in a space where people are exercising (yes, outdoors, but the stadium is a big pit in the ground with the wind blowing over the top and when someone smokes in the stands it just swirls around down there and lingers), it's a health issue, and it's definitely a trigger for unleashing a shitton of suppressed rage about my dad's decades of smoking followed by decades of COPD and constant self-laceration over not having quit sooner, and COVID, and my asthma and and and.
And in that moment last night that smug entitled white stoner douchewaffle became every smug entitled white dude who's pushed my rage buttons over the last half decade. I still need to learn to not confront people because it's honestly not safe.
{{{Cass}}} At least needing to up your salt and electrolytes intake is a great excuse to guiltlessly gorge on salty chips and bowls of guac. You HAVE to face-plant in the guac; it's for your HEALTH.