Most of us need something. When StE was in ICU I wore a sandalwood mala on my wrist. I figured if he was beyond hearing maybe he could smell that I was there. When he died I couldn't stand the scent of sandalwood and put the mala in a pretty box on my dresser. I won't use it again, but I can't part with it, either.
I haven't had a talisman for Jacqueline, just the images of her dancing, talking, holding baby Matilda, posing on the old apartment house stairs, wearing flirty hats, persisting in arguments against people who are Wrong in their thinking and their doing. Those things can't be put in a box.
Many hugs to the Zmayhem household, and all of us, really.
All my love to everyone in the Zymahem family.
Thinking of you and your family, David. Love to you all.
It is a great cosmic injustice. I put it up with ita never seeing Black Panther or Wakanda. With Ed not getting to see the Dodgers win the World Series again, or Ginger missing the Braves championship.
I would happily take on this curse on myself. It is so wrong we have to watch her succumb!
Thank you for having the courage to share this. her urn should be something stunning, if possible.
{{{{{{Hugs}}}}} to house Zmayhem.
David, there are no words. I'm holding you all in my heart.
All my love to you, David, and Matilda, and Emmett, and your families.
Relieved and heartbroken needs a word of its own, I think.