I’m in awe of us again. This is what we do. We are here, consistently, for each other. From afar. In person when we can. Emotionally, financially, practically. We are stewards of each others’s stories, as R likes to say.
I have a little clay penguin from one of the f2fs. I forget who made them, or which one it was. Wisconsin? Seattle? But I grabbed it and it lives on my altar, because I decided to associate it with the March of the Penguins, and how in tough conditions they take turns being on the outside of the circle and who’s on the inside in safety and warmth.
And that’s what we do. And that is real actual family. And one of the blessings of this big chosen (Chosen) family is that there’s always someone to step up, with the words and/or the money and/the listening ear and/or the practical advice. And we may be insular in some protective ways but we are also very welcoming to those who share our values.
IDK, man. I love everyone in this bar right now. Nowhere else I’d rather virtually be.
Yes, James is on the list of people we love. When we watch the news, or see hateful people in our lives. it is important to remember that our lives include morally elegant people too! I am grateful for all of you.
Morally elegant!
In particular I also want to echo the words of Kate and Laura.
I’m so glad your Dad has James, Pix!!!! What a blessing.
My Dad is in in-patient rehab and is doing better physically but he’s confused and wants to come home/doesn’t want my mom to leave. It’s hard on both of them but I’m glad she’s getting a break from being his main caregiver.
Lisah! Happy birthday! I hope you are being spoiled today. May the year to come be a most excellent one. I hope the rehab stay helps both of your parents.
Pix, I've been thinking about you and your dad; I'm so glad James is there for you all.
That sounds like such a boon, Kristin. Glad your dad has James to watch over him.
Been reading everyone’s lovely words and so happy to be a newbie in this community. (Yes, nearly 20 years later I still feel like a newbie.)
I’m more inclined to text or call directly to many of you to whom I would otherwise comment here (I’m looking at you, Pix!), so I’m usually pretty quiet.
But I wanted to say “Welcome to the world, Arthur!” Hope by now you’re at home and “relaxing” like a normal infant does! Congrats on the growing family, Debet.
I’m sorry about your aunt, Askye.
Didn’t mean to double post!
So I’ll add that I love “morally elegant” as it’s very fitting.
I know saying that someone is a "true" Christian is kind of a cliche, but JZ is. Kind and caring, passionate about injustice, and the absolute best heart.