Sending my love, and praying my way through the Litany at the Time of Death from the Book of Common Prayer, which as always has some gorgeous language:
Receive her into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen
So much love to you all, David. May her passing be peaceful.
Love to Jacqueline, and to you and your family David. If this is her time, may her passing be easy.
I think it's made it easier for all of us. Just the privilege of tending to her.
Yes, it is not a chore to tend to your beloved at the end. It is also a blessing for Matilda to know that her mother was surrounded by love. You know that Jaqueline feels safe in your care.
It's been a privilege for us, too, to be invited to witness from afar, and to share this time with you, like we've shared so much else.
Yes, going through the pictures I sent it reminded me that we were with you for the courtship, the marriage, and the birth of your child. It hurts like hell to be where we are now, but I hope the shared grief helps all of us.
Sending you all my love, David.
It's too soon, but I wouldn't want her to linger that way.
love to everyone.
I wish I had something to say. Words fail me even in the best of times.
feeling this, scola. even as words are my armor.
even the best aren't adequate.
It has been a blessing both to know her and to get to say farewell, and a privilege, as Kate P says, to be allowed to witness this part of your lives.
So much love to you and Matilda and everyone.