Dana, there have been suggestions for an annual Indictment Day. I'd celebrate that.
There are also betting pools on (1) what the orange one's actual weight (and height) will turn out to be and (2) what shade of orange his mug shot will turn out to be.
There are also betting pools on (1) what the orange one's actual weight
This is the one thing about Trump that's nobody's business, as it has no bearing on anything whatsoever.
Oooh, what if his face is two different shades of orange?
Aunt W passed away yesterday. Mom had gotten a call from the long term care facility that it would happen soon and I thought she had left but she didn't. I don't know when she's goig to go down to Florida but my Aunt's birthday is on Oct 13 and she was born on a Friday and this year Oct 13 is a Friday so they are having her memorial service then.
On the one hand I feel bad that my aunt died alone (although there has been Covid in the facility so she couldn't have had visitors) but I also know that my aunt did a lot to alienate my mom and their other siblings (not just since my cousin died but for a long time) and I'm relived that mom all of this care taking and making financial decisions and paying bills for my aunt is winding down for her.
Oooh, what if his face is two different shades of orange?
Cheeto and Flamin' Hot Cheeto?
Skye, I'm sorry about your aunt.
Love that song, Hec.
Vignettes from life with R: he finally finished his Buffy watch and has restarted. He’s also started Angel. And we’re joining the Buffy subkrewe of the annual geek parade.
Also, last night I asked him if he thought we’d ever get married (he’s already been married twice) and this exchange followed:
Only if you ask me!
(cackles madly for many seconds, then responds) You know if it happens, I’m going down on one knee.
You’d better!!
And then we talked rings and how neither of us want traditional, and how he probably had the supplies to go make me a ring at his house that moment, and we decided to go ring window shopping in the Quarter sometime.
Reader, I think I just might marry him.
The last time there was a GOP debate, it was in Vegas. Christopher saw Christie on the airport shuttle. Christopher nodded and said, “Governor.” Christie said hello and Christopher got his only Republican photo op.
He may be the only sane one in that clown car.
Reader, I think I just might marry him.
I shrieked when I read this and then had to explain to Tim, whose reaction was "Awww, hooray!"
how he probably had the supplies to go make me a ring at his house that moment
That's incredibly cool, BTW.
The Matilda song is delightful.
I'm sorry for the loss of your aunt, askye. I hope your mom gets some relief.
I agree that Trump's weight is none of anyone's business, but releasing such facts underscores that he must suffer the same indignities as all others under indictment. Also, it will seriously piss him off, which makes it okay by me. If I were indicted my weight would be published, so his should be too. (whether anyone's should be is another matter altogether)
I am so delighted by your updates, smonster. So happy that you have found your person.
I’m so sorry about your aunt, askye.