Happy Trump indictment day! This is my favorite holiday.
Once, twice, three, or four times is not enough, so let's make this a monthly holiday. The one downside is seeing that face and hearing that voice so often.
But a little over a half hour each way every day is just draining.
Epic, is it possible to get any real rest during the treatment?
I think several people are looking to me to be the squeaky wheel.
Yikes, squeak away, aurelia. Do you have any (compensated) downtime between shows to recover?
I am the proud owner of a new machete,
Whack! I never got the hang of one, not that I tried that hard, but Brendon loves a machete.
I'm also teaching one online and two in-person sections of a class I've never taught before, and the meeting with the course coordinator where we'll go over that stuff isn't until Thursday.
I know zilch about course prep, but if the course has been taught in the past would the coordinator have any substantial amount of material to help? Do you know someone who has taught this course? (Really, don't know how these things work.)
I am the proud owner of a new machete,
Congrats! I spent a couple of hours (in small increments) yesterday pruning the dead branches from two azalea bushes in the front... there is not a lot left!
Today, I'd like to finish the hedge that used to be normal-sized but is now ginormous -- I could use a machete or a chainsaw for that, honestly, but since I've never used either, probably a bad idea.
We rent, and I've done nothing to those bushes since we moved in more than two years ago.
Kind of feel like the landlords should be handling; we have the lawn cut, but the landscaping seems more like a landlord thing. Eh, I've never asked, so that's on me.
And now I'm almost enjoying the yard stuff. Which is so weird. I guess, no pressure, because it's not really mine? Feels more like a kindness than a chore.
It is good to see you all.
Epic, every day is a LOT and for two months... How many have you done so far? Sorry if I missed that. I am seriously pulling really hard for success. Beaming your way.
Go, aurelia, go!
Hoping the House Zmayhem is... well, sleeping right now, honestly... and then, a peaceful day for all to commune and rest in love and light.
I am the proud owner of a new machete,
Today's adventure is: Tim still has some post-surgery edema in his calves and feet, so he needs to get a Doppler ultrasound on them to check for clots. So that's happening later today.
This first week home has been a wild ride, I tell you what.
It’s probably fine — the edema in his upper legs went away pretty quickly, and his calves and feet have *less* edema than when he was discharged, so I think it’s just a little slow. He probably just needs a prescription diuretic to take care of the rest.
NPR says this time we get a MUGSHOT.
Like, "Since it's the fourth indictment, you can have a mugshot as a treat."
NPR says this time we get a MUGSHOT.
Sweeet! GA rules are quite a lot different than the Feds. I loved the camera following the clerk last night. I get the full transparency thing, but really don't like the grand jury members' names being disclosed. Yikes.
GA rules are quite a lot different than the Feds.
I understand GA trials are televised. It’s probably too much to ask that TFG would be led in in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, but I can dream.
It’s probably too much to ask that TFG would be led in in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, but I can dream.
I've had that same dream!
Epic, is it possible to get any real rest during the treatment?
Yes and no. We've got bunks, and pillows, so we can stretch out and nap. But we have these hood things (for the oxygen) and they have these enormous collars around our necks (to ensure that it's pretty much airtight) so it's sometimes hard to get comfortable. Then the whole procedure is about 2 hours, but first it's 10-15 minutes getting to pressure, which for some reason (I asked, but didn't fully comprehend the answer) gets so hot and humid. Then they put the hoods on, but it's 30 minutes on, then 5 with it off, then 30 on ... 3 times, so even if you were napping you'd be wakened when they take the hood off. I can sometimes doze a little bit, but it's not real restful.
Epic, every day is a LOT and for two months... How many have you done so far?
I think my last one was 21. So I'm just over halfway done. The good news is that everyone says that the second half (of the 40 treatments) is when you really start to see results. So hopefully I'll be seeing some improvement soon.