I've ever been the Eudora Welty of 'splaining. Somehow or other in srs discussions I manage to wangle my inner moppet into a corner and reply consisely. Meanwhile cornered moppet is yammering on with qualifiers and side notes and tangents and is increasingly angry and frustrated at being corralled. I don't know how it happened, that kind of control, but I do have it, when needed. Then of course DH or the next friend (or possible stranger) I talk to gets an incoherent, rambling earful. So things do balance out, for me, though those in my periphery sometimes suffer a puzzling tangled earful.
In short, I feel you, Tim and Zen. And Brendan.
If you're on Windows, pressing the Windows key and period key will bring up an emoji keyboard.
Today it's like we have a tiny staff helping us: the physical therapist has been here, the home care aide (for showering) is currently here, the lawn guy showed up while the physical therapist was here, and my mom is bringing homemade soup later.
Tomorrow should be boring, though.
f you're on Windows, pressing the Windows key and period key will bring up an emoji keyboard.
I just learned this last week... I feel old.
I've been lurking and following, but haven't had much to say. My love and sympathy to all who are having a hard time (yes, JZ's at the top of the list, but Tim and others I can't think of right now are on my list as well). I wish everyone pain meds that work (not too well) and all the comfort there is.
I'm going through a work-related SITUATION but have hopes of it being solved soon.
But I have learned the hard way that there are places where being completely Myself doesn't pay off.
Oh, ain't that the truth.
She said we’re not blood related but she’s a “cousin of my heart”.
In my family, the term is "shirt-tail cousin." I don't know the origin of the term.
If you're on Windows, pressing the Windows key and period key will bring up an emoji keyboard.
If I ever knew that, I had forgotten it. Thanks! 🐸
I've been so far behind on the board and it took me a while to catch up. I could have skipped, but I didn't want to miss anything, so now emotions are spilling out of me like an overfilled pitcher.
JZ, I love you.
There are no simple questions imho.
I am the proud owner of a new machete, which I just took out for a spin trimming the shrub/tree by my driveway. Not exactly martial arts/comic book movie levels of effortless cutting, but it seems useful enough to be worth a $6.99 yard work/home defense purchase.