It’s an escalation. She is overwhelmed and feels like everyone comes to her for everything, but also fails to give true support to those under her to lead.
She thinks she is giving people opportunities to lead by dumping on them. Like I have a PowerPoint to do for a meeting on Monday. I have several unanswered questions on it. She does not answer them or direct me to who to ask and just sends an email saying, I need it completed and to me by end of day.
So I’m going to go over her and ask her boss. I have my questions to her documented in writing twice. Or I’ll make up stuff or make “unknowns” part of the slides.
Msbelle that sounds like an awful work situation. I’m sorry.
If it were my presentation, I’d have an “unknowns” section where appropriate on the slides and speak to your best guesses in your script. Just have that conversation be part of the presentation rather than something that’s blocking you I’m an irritating way.
I’m assuming you already had a f2f (in person or virtual) meeting with her to review your remaining questions in the deck. If not, put one on her schedule!
(& forgive me if you just want to vent and don’t want help with solutions!)
On the lighter side, it looks like flying cars may be here before long.
Timelies all!
I'm sorry about Seamus, ND.
We took Gary's mom out to dinner for her 80th birthday. Good food and nice weather for sitting outside in the shade.(She still won't eat inside a restaurant)
Flying cars? With the way people drive on the ground(especially around here), do we really want to have people in the air?
Realized I had not done the agenda for our Friday 8:30 staff mtg.
Came in early to do it.
See email from boss at 11:15pm cancelling it.
See another email at 7am with her giving me tasks.
Le sigh
Oh how funny. One of my roommates from college just posted an Instagram story of a tweet…from Susan’s husband Dylan! I was like “wait a sec worlds colliding!”