I’m glad your boss was reasonable about things, Sophia. But I am sorry about your friends’ mom.
The number of dangerously delusional people in the US—many with guns—is terrifying.
I used my nervous energy today to get my filing cabinet ready for 2021 records. Shredding old utility bills is satisfying.
I used mine to move the table out of the closet in the Junk Room, now office-ish, grocery shop, put away the tree and already boxed up decorations (now that there's a place to put it with the table moved; it's a whole domino thing), and get a bunch of donated items into my big ol' outdoor rolly cart (I love this thing!) to trek it down to the car. A productive day really snuck up on me.
Rub some of that productive~ma on me for tomorrow, Jen. I've been useless since Wednesday.
As long as I can figure out a way to transfer the productivity without the nervous energy that's powering it, because nobody needs that.
Snopes has debunked the story about the man who died of a heart attack during the riot.
It looks like the assisted living (residents and staff) will be getting our first vaccination on Friday!
Somehow this means that I'm MORE worried about getting Covid in the next couple days than I was in the previous 9 months. Brain, you are downright weird.
And before you ask, I have inquired and he is not taking in ironing.
You know, my mother has been ironing the tops of her sheets, since she likes to listen to the radio so looks for things to do... It had not occurred to me to ask her to do mine!!
I will be sitting with her Thursday afternoons to give them a break, and looking into a home health care aid for Maria. Any thoughts on how to do this?
I'd start with googling visiting nurse + your location (and I think you will land at your employer, but am not 100% sure of that!).
Somehow this means that I'm MORE worried about getting Covid in the next couple days than I was in the previous 9 months. Brain, you are downright weird.
Yeah, but not crazy -- my friend the EMT was basically on her way to get her first shot when she found out her work partner had covid.
Has anyone seen this thread? The videos are incredible. The police are literally just standing around. [link]
My friend, Todd, who had slipped into a coma after contracting COVID in November, died today.
He never woke up.
He died with his wife holding his hand, as some of his favorite music played.
Aside from his wife, he leaves behind one of the world's greatest and quirkiest movie blogs. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of world pop cinema (like...Bollywood Action Films of the 70s (his first book), Lucha Libre, Mexican musicals of the 40s, Filipino actioneers of the 80s, Hong Kong musicals of the 60s etc.). He had been a musician and led bands as the singer back in the 80s. He had me on his radio show a couple times and it was a total blast. We nerded out about all the odd corners of pop music and movies and TV.
He was in his early 50s.