Oh, fuck, brenda, I'm so sorry. Love to you and Mozzie and everyone. I hope you can figure out what the best next steps are as easily as possible, knowing that won't be very easy at all, but I don't know what else to hope for.
Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.
Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.
Oh, Brenda, that fucking sucks. I'm so sorry.
Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry. Poor pupper. Poor you. {{{both of you}}}
I am so sorry Brenda.
Brenda I'm so sorry. That's horrible news.
Timelies all!
I'm so sorry, Brenda.
I’m so sorry, Brenda
Thanks everyone.
Epic, good news!
Brenda, I'm sorry. That sucks.
I'm glad you finally have a date set, Epic. Must be a huge relief. I'm relieved for you.
He’s got a large tumor in his sinus cavity that is penetrating the bone near his brow line and will likely migrate towards the brain.
Fuck cancer. Fuck people cancer. Fuck dog cancer. Fuck pet cancer. Fuck cancer.
I'm more than midway through trying to diagnose the underlying cause of Shelby's discospondylitis. No 'easily' found bacteria. Nothing on the fungal culture. We've tested and are awaiting for results for brucella. Next step would be lumbar puncture or some other way of getting samples directly from her spine. Or maybe some kind of cancer. I wouldn't care if the antibiotics were super working but it's hard to tell.
Her follow up x-rays were bad. The first set done was only her lower half at the Emergency Vet. My vet did full spine and its affecting her whole spine. Maybe the ABs are helping and the bone damage just isn't showing repairs yet, also a possibility.
She misses walks and still begs daily to go out on a hike. But the pain is controlled, so far. We lost a whole side of fencing in her front yard to storm damage. So we are rebuilding 35 feet of fence. It'll be better for her because she'll be able to see (and bark at) more.
Loving living things can be hard. Beautiful, but hard.